Friday, September 11, 2009

Glorious News from the Battlefront

Rejoice you villains, for one brings you Evil news from the fields of struggle against our most implacable of foes – the Real Life Super Hero.

Late in the evening of Sept 7th, when all the Heroes should have been asleep, or out on their patrols, one launched a first Video onto youtube. It is a flawed vehicle for one’s vision, but has been somewhat favorably reviewed.

Better news yet, the intended target of this merciless attack has seen and responded to the withering onslaught. There will be battle, there will be war the likes of which have not been seen by Heroes and Villains in times past. It will be ruthless and terrible to behold, with no quarter asked, and none given. One will accept nothing but the finest, most heroic of efforts from one’s adversary, and he in turn, may expect no less than the vilest and most despicable efforts of ones own.

On this most public (at least compared to one’s seldom viewed blog) of stages, it is one’s intention to implement the stratagem this blog has been building towards. That of Cleave, Liquidate, and Enslave;

Cleave: To identify what constitutes heroic behavior and to separate those heroes who (for the most part) aspire to be this ideal, and those who do not. First, by identifying with a list those most unworthy of Heroes.

Liquidate: To examine, and bring to light these failed heroes most egregious of transgressions, to mock to humiliate, to seek to destroy their fragile concept of self image. Where they can be cajoled to mend their Orcish ways, they will be encouraged to do so. Where they will not, then to cast further light on their activities.

Enslave: To move the Real Life Super Heroes away from violence and psychosis, and towards community service, charity, neighborhood watch programs, leadership and community preparedness. In short the heroic ideal that others may aspire to and choose to emulate in the coming generation.

It is no less than ones hope that through this struggle, sides will be chosen, and lines drawn. Real Life Super Heroes will evaluate their causes and come together in self governance to thwart the noble onslaught posed by Villainy. That by this harrowing, the best will rise to lead, and the worst shall be eliminated.

As a Villain, I demand a better class of Superhero to guard our streets, and inspire the next wave of Heroes. By challenging them to answer questions posed, one hopes to start the germ of thinking (see previous posts) that will evolve into a consensus on what Citizens as Real Life Super Heroes can do. One hasn’t picked his target lightly. Fertile ground has been chosen for this Seed of Evil.

Where will this go? Who can say? Villains are nothing, if not “Big Picture” planners, who all too often fall short of their goals. And of course, the Heroes must attempt to thwart one’s overt plans.

With splendid Horror unfolding,


  1. Since you're doing the website, I would (humbly) suggest you move the Sinister Plan, and the Oath and the Credo to there.

    Just a thought.
    Ghost of Nixon

  2. Ghost of Nixon,

    Your point is taken. I agree. I'll take a look at getting it in there.

