Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Engine of Malignance


From the 09/01/09 post;

We understand the dynamic as set forth; Opposing forces, different sides of the chessboard. The function is as ancient as humanity, and finds itself demonstrated in many fields of science. It is the property of balance. As the Archetypes of Heroes and Villains, we understand that where the Heroes triumph, we lose, and where we succeed, they must suffer. Is this applying of the dynamic the only one that can be used? It certainly is the simplest, but are there not other dynamics that allow the conflict, with a positive outcome? A win/win result where the necessary conflict provides the fuel of passion, but the result is one with a benefit to both sides and society at large. The Engine of Malignance.”

Now, with battle with Phantom Zero on youtube approaching, one must marshal what sinister instruments one can, to uphold the Mantle of Villainy. To this end, I’m crafting a stratagem based on the Engine of Malignance. These will be points to challenge the Heroic Ideal. From this conflict, one hopes structure will form, ideas will gestate, and progress towards a more focused direction will be encouraged.

Fuel for the Engine of Malignance

  1. A single Hero, a single set of eyes, can only see so much. However if a hero, through the use of handouts, flyers, websites, and community outreach can engage the community to watch out for each other, he builds for himself an army of watchers. Villainy knows this as “minions”, but Heroes seem to be unaware of these finer points of management.
  2. Assistance to the homeless.
    a. Homeless shelter locations
    b. Medical aid (transportation to Aid Centers, Emergency Rooms)
    c. Unemployment Offices
    d. Food Drop offs, shelters. Is there a goodwill that puts clothes/blankets/coats into the hands of the needy?
    e. Care for Veterans. Conservative estimates are 131,000 homeless vets in the U.S., most from the Vietnam war era. The VA has pinpointed 3717 vets of the Iraq and Afghanistan engagements, but this number could be twice as high, to ~7400. Vets suffer from PTSD, Substance Addictions, the economy/unemployment, and readjustment issues. The current VA Secretary vows to end homelessness in 5 years.
  1. Neighborhood watch good practices
    a. Know your neighbors
    b. Pot hole reporting
    c. Locations of Sexual Predators
  2. What are the hard jobs, where citizens need to make a stand? What justifies Orcs (Ninja Vigilantes) and is there a better resource to accomplish the same ends. See “the Police”
  3. Local News Investigative reporters
  4. Churches that offer outreach services.
  5. Charity events communities can engage in.
    Sponsor Zetaman, and ride him like a bantha.

Using the abilities of Evil, wouldn't it make more sense, to manage the multitudes, than to be the only asset doing the work you wish to see in the world? Use Villainy's penchant for enslaving the weak willed into our service. Why not use the little people as your eyes and ears? Let them take responsibility for their own welfare, and protect each other.

Running the Empire of Malignance

The week has seemingly sped by. On Youtube, another villain has chastised my intended target for his reluctance to engage in video battle. This serves ones own diabolical purpose, so one finds this to be good. The pressure builds on the hero, and one hopes his appearance to answer these calls will be remarkable.

Herding the henchmen: Acquiring and grooming talent is going well. Ghost of Nixon is doing Evil work, Comrade Cocoa has been most diligent in his duties, and a new resource is being elevated from minion status. It’s now a rule here: You must come w/your image in hand. Ghost of Nixon assures me w/Halloween coming, he will rectify this oversight. That and the Forum… The extra staff may help keep productivity high, because the dreaded Henchmen #3 promise looms. Comrade Cocoa may get his appearance finalized, which will at least give an appearance to the Henchdog (Currently henchman #2).

Upgrading technology: Adobe software to literally decipher! An upgraded camera for Youtube looks to be an outpouring of funds currently unavailable. So, the blurry-look will remain the Lord Malignance signature for awhile longer. Living. The. Dream.

Swing at the Orcs of Herodom: Continuing researching the RLSH, and the RLSV has provided some demographic insight. The ages for most all appear to be in the 20s. This has psychoanalytical significance, and as such reveals an avenue for exploitation. There are also socio-economical ramifications of a body of like thinking individuals in a pool so small. The tableaus that play out in lives at this stage, have commonality, and expectations which must be nurtured, or destroyed. In the battlefield of the mind, where the words we read are the field of engagement, the Villains have a distinct advantage. In some dark alley, at the mercy of “Thunderspawn” the Destroyer? Not so much.

Going Forward:

Things are moving apace, perhaps a little slower than one might wish. It seems the White Skull’s retirement and possible recent resurrection may have had a calming effect on the community. The Dance had a hiccup, but the music plays on. That hiccup involved some mysterious drama, best left for the Heroic community to gossip about. Sword Kane’s video challenge will end sometime soon, and the next avenue of engagement will need to be sought out.

The resources listed on the side of this blog should be moved to the Website, and the updated Rankings should take its place.

The Rankings: Heroes

The Good (Keep up the Good Work);
Super Hero
Zetaman, Agent Null, Apocalypse Meow
The Eye
Citizen Prime
Polar Man
Razorhawk (for no other reason, than he makes me laugh)

The Bad (the Orcs who need to just stop);
The Black Monday Society: Ghost, Insignis, Oni
Thunderspawn the Destroyer, wherever you are, you crazy beautiful bastard
Deaths Head Moth (you wear black, scare the heck out of me, and you wear a skull!)

The Ugly (Maybe not the best, but not doing any harm. Might improve);
(Jump from the Bad) Pint Sized Tyrant, who has shown some restraint of late. Paroled

The Rankings: Villains

The Good (Keep up the Evil Work);
Executrix (Blogtalk Radio Show)
Tiny Terror (Thoughtful Analysis and Diplomacy)
The Potentate (Centerpiece of Evil United)
Agent Beryllium (Jumping into the Blogs of Evil profession)
Dr. Steel (Founding Father of Villainy). and .
Bad Horse. Fictional, but an inspiration still the same.

The Bad (for the love of Evil, just stop);
The Consortium of Evil. Lazy. Get to work over there. You’re giving Evil a bad name.

The Ugly (Maybe not the best, but not doing any harm. Might improve);
Lord Malignance, and the rest of the Unknown Villains. You know who YOU are, but you don’t know who else is out there. Villains, step up your game! Who are you? Why haven’t I heard about you? How is your ruthlessness to be measured?

You know the ranking around here: Canon Fodder, Minion, Henchmen, Villain, Super/Meta Villain, Archvillain, (and theoretical “Emperor of the Earth”). You’re never going to elevate your status unless you get to work.

If you have names you would like to add to The List, please let me know.

One remains your most assuredly not humble master,


  1. I've got a call into tech support for the forum. I can't figure out how to unlock it. I'll bet it's run by the commies. Good news though: Try Windows Movie Maker. It's part of Windows (free) and is easy. Stripped down, but superior than that adobe program it sounds like. Still Henchman #1?
    Ghost of Nixon

  2. Henchman #1, you serve your Lord and Master well. I had an opportunity to look at that just now, and it looks like an exciting (free) opportunity. I am impressed by your initiative. Keep up the Evil work on the Forum. I'll email you more later.
