Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Updates, Questions and Elusive Answers...


A most Evil week into the New Year, and we see the continued momentum building as Villainy grows and transforms the world as we know it. When you pause and think about the positive developments that have been achieved, and what lies ahead as we continue to reap the rewards of our successes, one believes you will savor the moment as fully as one does. Forty-one viewers at the Roach Blog, New Villains appearing as the Armies of Darkness swell, and great battles and forward development appearing everywhere. Truly, what is being built by our efforts has the potential to be remarkable. Lord Malignance is pleased, for these reasons, and for what has been a very profitable week.
One proposes a thought for your consideration. The Unholy Trinity of our Movement. Villain Avatars to suit the three strengths of our vocation. Craziness, Humor, and Rebellion. Call them what you will, but the essential qualities to do what has never been done before, is represented here.

Catching up on Business;

Tiny Terror's blog is hot right now, as Heroes and Villains, and more Heroes clash. Please do stop by, enjoy the thoughtful blog, and introduce yourself to the Master of Fear.

The Original Villains - Movies that are by turns so Bad, they're good. Plots! Costumes! Writing! If only Lord Malignance had such discriminating standards!

Star Trek Online. Lord Malignance will conquer OuterSpace !!!

Remember the Super Friends? Didn't you eventually, really root for the Legion of Doom? No one escapes parody! (By the way - Black Manta - if you're looking for work - call me).

There are few things worse than having a communist henchdog strung out on sandwich meat. We're all pulling for you Comrade Cocoa. Get back on the Dog Food wagon soon!

$500 to reregister the Malignomobile? Curse you City Hall! The Pecking Order of Evil persecutes the hard working Villain trying to make a sinister living.

The Aluminum Chef has a blog! On his behalf, one invites you to please stop by and encourage his Culinary Malevolence.

Book Reference that may not be Evil, but is a great find. If you like Indian Food, (and who doesn't like Curry?), one recomends "50 Great Curries of India". No, one cannot cook, but who can resist Curry?!

Finally, as systems develop and evolve, we see complexity and patterns develop. This devolopment in Villainy demonstrates itself in the questioning of purpose. What can Villains do? We seek to find the answer to that question, and have not yet found the answers desired. Perhaps better answers can be found by asking better questions. If this is so, then what would be the better question, the evolution of "What can Villains do?" What can't Villains do!

May your week be as delightfully Evil as ones own has been,
-Lord Malignance


  1. My Lord Malignance,

    Comrade Cocoa is getting fat, and it't not the sandwich meat, mmm, it's the Liver/Cheese slices. Have you seen what one of those pieces look like after they, mmm, warm up? Greasy. And, he's a lazy, mmm, communist dog.

    So, the paiting was good?

    -Ghost of Nixon

  2. AHEM.

    I ought to point out that The Destructive Kitchen is a joint effort between Fatal Phyllo and The Aluminum Chef. Ignoring her stake in the venture is unwise indeed.

    Don't accept any cakes in the mail for the next few days.

  3. Nixon,
    You posted that? Aren't you like, two corridors down? You couldn't have mentioned that throughout the day? Let's try and send written notes through Bob - see when he finally disappears somewhere. The painting is most adequate. You are forgiven for the Forum (for now).

    Apologies to you, and Fatal Phyllo - no oversite was intended, merely recognizing the good fortune in welcoming another Villain to the Blogs of Evil.
    -Lord Malignance

  4. My Lord Malignance,
    I haven't seen him since last night. The last note I gave him, mmm, wanted to know if you were going to work on the helmet. Did you receive that one? I bet he's hiding down there, mmm, with his rats.

    -Ghost of Nixon

  5. Nixon,
    Seriously - there's no phone in your workspace? Call me, don't post for me to find this message eventually. One believes Bob checks this blog every once in awhile. Should he read of our scheme, he'll become wary, and start creeping around (Loudly) at night.
    -Lord Malignance
    Lunch? (DON'T post, call)

  6. I find that I rather enjoy Fatal Phyllo and the Aluminum Chef's brand of villainy. It's delicious, no pun intended.


    Thanks for the plug though, Lord Malignance. Is it safe to say that the Ghost of Nixon frightens me? His preen; saying 'mmm' every now and again sends a distinct chill of evil down my spine that I haven't felt since I first heard the stylings of Bright Eyes.

    I've always been under the impression that Mr. Obserst is, indeed, a creature made of pure malevolence.

  7. Close the poll. It has been done.

  8. Tiny Terror,

    Ghost of Nixon does a pretty good Nixon impression, but it doesn't come through the type, so he throws in the mmm. When he does the impression (of course) he hunches forward, and shakes his jowls. The joke is: The more he does the impression, the more it seeps into his regular work, so one will catch him growling at things (it better not be ME). Oh, he'd paint, and growl, and growl and paint.

    Ah ha! Bright Eyes= Mr. Oberst - one did not know that reference, and learned something new today. One thanks you for this.


    Were this a poll for the good, your prediction might hold true. However, as this is an Evil poll, and minions and henchmen are working day and night, trying to figure out how to game the poll, the results may yet change. Also, one is using the time to craft a Blog Post #50. Unveiling of the winner - "Villain among Villains", Review of the past, something worthwhile, and (one is open to suggestions)?

    -Lord Malignance

  9. I read your posts! Plagues of Rats on you both. Tonight, ve shall see vhat vork needs to be done. Perhaps vith power tools?

    Oh, and Am romane sobalani in seara asta!

    -Graf Orlok
    Servant and Minion to Lord Malignance
    Courier of Evil

  10. Bob,

    One wants the FREAKING RATS FOUND AND CAGED. I want an inventory of their numbers taken. You are not to use the leaf blower at night, EVER.

    -Lord Malignance
    One will be reminding you of these points when next you are seen. Of this, you may be assured.

  11. Your underlings...They don't seem very, er, sociable.

  12. Tiny Terror,
    This is true. Arguments against henchmen and minions have been made, but one finds noblesse oblige applicable. One trains the next generation of supervillains (or eliminates them from the career path). Of course, a sarcastic thug, a bumbling night dweller, and a dog, may not SEEM like the A-Team of staff, but they have their charms.

    Oh, a wise guy? Nixon - if that's you, I'm going to slap your ghost face, and poke you in your ghost eyes.

    -Lord Malignance
    Moe was the Supervillain of the 3 Stooges

  13. I thought it was Shemp because of his hostle take over of Moe's position as the bowl headed strategist of the group.

  14. All necessary plans have been enacted, with counter-measures still at the ready. There is no hope for opposition. The polls are done.

    -Black Sun

  15. I never trusted Shemp either - he was always like the sneakiest stooge.
