Thursday, January 14, 2010

Celebrating Blog Post Number Fifty

Greetings and Lamentations to you, you cherished few of impeccable Evil,

It was just August 1st, 2009 when one posted his first blog posting, though one had been commenting and following the exploits of ROACH, the Potentate, and the wiley White Skull for weeks before. Since then, FIFTY posts have come and gone, and most have slipped quietly beneath the surface into obscurity. Have they been flawless pieces of art? No, no they have not, and for ones failures, you have my sincere apologies. That said however, the joy of work is in the doing, and not in the recriminations. The new year is here, with new puzzles to solve, new schemes to exploit, new heroes to challenge, and new ways to bend the world to our wills.

First, let us savor the Victory for the List of those Most Unworthy Heroes found on the right hand side of this very blog, and the first Hero to feel the stinging shame of being so noticed. As one must, when confronted with such a gleefully evil creation, he has gracefully chosen to retire, his name to soon enough leave “The Rankings: Heroes/THE BAD” list.

Most Evil Greetings to a well respected Master of Evil, please join one in welcoming the Nefarious Computer King. Please also join one in welcoming a new up and coming name in the world of Villainy; Poop Knife. Your names have been added to the Hall of Evil, so that all may fear your coming.

His Mighty Smokiness, the Potentate, has challenged Villainy to collaborate in changing the world. Villains looking to intimidate others, curry favor with others, and shame still others can find an opportunity here.

A most Malevolent thank you to Twisted Genius, for the Evil Courtesy and Plug for the Library of Evil “the Well Read Scoundrel”. Requests for additions are welcome, and encouraged.

Comrade Cocoa gains an ArchNemesis;
The Minuteman. The Maoist Mongrel is plotting your downfall Minuteman! (it may involve poop).

Zeta Challenge. That Charity MACHINE Zetaman has a walk for charity coming up. If anyone would like to concoct a scheme to sponsor him, and challenge the heroes to meet or beat our contribution, you are invited to please post. His walk is scheduled for April, and we have time yet to plot.

The Year of the Superhero announced and the Followers of R.O.A.C.H. swell to Forty-Four!

Feel the Earth tremble as the ranks of Heroes shudder: The Return of the Scarlet Fool.

Aluminum Chef, and Fatal Phyllo continue to develop Evil in the Kitchen with the Destructive Kitchen. Please stop by and enjoy Evil prepared to taste.

Tiny Terror Charts the Unknown Realms of Fear in the Phobia Journal. 40 Comments on one Post?! He must be challenging some preconceptions.

Stand by (or Crouch!) for the Revelation of the Winner of the First Annual Lord Malignance Holiday Challenge, being posted very soon.

May all your Evil Dreams come to Malevolent Fruition,
-Lord Malignance
(100 is just over the next horizon)


  1. Lord Malignance, thank you for the most evil welcome. I would crouch before you any day.. hey I just found a penny!

  2. Congratulations Lord Malignance!
    May you have another successful 50 posts - you insane crackpot!


  3. Lord Malignance,

    Here is to 50,000 more.

    -The Potentate

  4. As we have stated before. There was no hope in the face of Chaos and Evil.

    -Black Sun

  5. You don't know? Well someone has to be the Winner.

    I don't know.

  6. Potentate,
    Thank you for your kind words.

    Exit Nero and Black Sun,
    the announcement is forthcoming - One is experiencing technical difficulties with the delivery method - which could be a post by itself. One has directed further resources to the issue, and the revelation will be forthcoming. In Style, of course.

    Expect the post shortly (tomorrow if fortune favors the insane mind),
    -Lord Malignance

  7. Lord M.,
    congratulations to you. 50 posts full of your insane thoughts and ideas are 50 posts I enjoyed.

  8. Baghead,

    Thank you truly for your kind words. Congratulations to you also, on all the successes you have enjoyed.

    -Lord Malignance
