Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Greetings and Lamentations,

Jotunheim (Jötunheimr), the Land of the Giants, was one of the nine worlds in Norse mythology, and in this world, the Frost Giants (Jotuns) ruled. From their frozen world, they plotted and planned the end and ruination of the Aesir who in their golden city of Asgard stood above all the other nine worlds, connected by Yggdrasil, the world tree. Sons and daughters of Ymir the first being, these giants often had many heads and swore to destroy Asgard and all the gods within.

Asgard was not with out its own defenses however. First and formost Heimdall, who could see for miles, guarded Bifrost the rainbow bridge, and would sound the Gjallerhorn should the giants approach (and they did frequently). Should a Frost Giant attempt to traverse Bifrost from Jotenheim to Asgard, the red in the rainbow bridge would burn their feet. Some giants would brave the pain however, and should they approach further, they would encounter Thor, the god of thunder and storms.

Thor was a little crazy when it came to giant killing. He would kill them for approaching Asgard, in its defense. He would also travel the Nine Worlds, and upon encountering giants, would often slay them forthright. Merciful he was not, for in his hand he carried Mjolnir “the crusher” an enchanted hammer that when thrown would seldom miss, could destroy mountain tops with its power, and would through one of its enchantments always return to Thor’s hand. So fast was this done, that Thor wore an enchanted glove lest his hand be burned by Mjolnirs speedy return. He was a physically powerful god, and to make matters worse for the Frost Giants, Thor also wore an enchanted belt that doubled his mighty power. His last most troubling attribute was that Thor went out looking for trouble, and had a berserker mentality about battle. When it was Frost Giant killing time, Thor was consumed by battle frenzy, and would slay everything before him. This worked to Thor’s advantage, for as terrible as his wrath was, the legend of his battle slaughter spread all the way to the frosty lands of Jotenheim.

Finally, at Ragnarok, the “Twilight of the Gods”, the Frost Giants were so diminished in numbers, that when the great battle against Asgard for the fate of the Nine Worlds was done, no Frost Giants remained.

As this is an Evil Blog, you my cherished few readers will understand on which side of mythology ones support falls. The Frost Giants were a mighty enemy to withstand, for even as Thor slew them, sometimes by the dozens, there were always more Frost Giants in Jotenheim. The loss of a Giant was a setback to be sure, but the threat to Asgard remained, as long as new Frost Giants stepped forward.

And this brings us to the news of the day. It appears that Evil has lost another Giant. To be sure we have lost others, the White Skull being one that comes readily to mind. What qualities denote a Giant of Evil? Giants of Evil are those that get things done, and inspire others to do great things. If your blog posts generate dozens of comments consistently, you are a Giant. Your words hold sway over the passions and imaginations of your readers. The Giant one speaks of today, is Tiny Terror, who may have left us recently. It would appear that far from the machinations of Evil, he may have become frustrated with the battles between the forces of good within the confines of his blog. While it certainly is expected that Villainy will lose Villains (for it is within our nature to seek to sabotage the success of competitors), the loss of Giants hurt us all.

Tiny Terror, if you are still out there, and have no inclination to not return, than one requests that at the time of your choosing, that you do. Of course as a Villain, you alone know what best serves your needs, and one would not presume to request of you, or employ insincere enticements. May all your work be inspired and leave the crushed spirits of heroes in the wake of your passing.

So my Evil associates, the struggle continues, and we each must ask ourselves, how can we do more? How can we aspire to fill the boots of the Giants who bestrode the Earth before us? Blogs aren’t the only tool we may employ, but Ideas – ideas are the weapons of Evil that shall bring the Heroes low.

If you are truly gone Tiny Terror (from the Blogs of Evil only perhaps), you will be missed, and leave with the respect of your villainous peers.

-Lord Malignance


  1. One may hold the great wolf, Fenrir, in higher regard.

  2. You omit so much more of the great Ragnarök, Thor shall die for all his might. There shall be a greater age yet.

    "Black become the sun's beams
    in the summers that follow"

    Take heed,
    Black Sun

  3. Exit Nero and Black Sun,

    You both speak of course of the children of Loki (the third being Hel). Jormungandr the World Serpent did indeed fall at Mjolnir's repeated blows, and Thor took but 9 steps back before he died from the fetid breath of the serpent. Fenris, son of Loki devoured Odin Allfather, sire of Thor, whole, his jaws agape from Midgard to the vault of the sky.

    Pulling for the forces of Evil in Myth (and elsewhere)
    -Lord Malignance

  4. I speak more for the greater paradise to come. One beyond all influence that is now.

    -Black Sun
