Saturday, January 2, 2010

The New Year Begins...

Greetings and Lamentations,

The New Year is upon us now, and Evil continues to progress splendidly. At this time, it is an opportunity to reflect on the past year, and envision a more Evil tomorrow. These last few months have had some setbacks to be sure, but also great victories to savor. Comrades have fallen even as new Villains have stepped forward, yet the quality of our efforts continue to excel and to improve.
“Where shall Evil go to next?
“How can we exceed these blogs, and spread Evil further?”.

Catching up on Business, and some new Links to share;

Lord Malignance Holiday Challenge (13 days remain, with the Chaos Faction in the Spectrum of Evil in a clear and decisive lead)

Motivational Posters for Supervillains.

Supervillain causing Earthquakes? Dr. Overkill, is that you?

Supervillain Comic

Supervillain clothes and accessories

The Supervillain Sense of Humor

Coming soon: Fear Inducing Flash Games

Another Evil Group (They hate the RLSH, and sell T-Shirts too!): the World Super Villain Network

Possibly funny

Lord Malignance thought there was competition in Colorado, and moved to ensure that there were no other Evil Organizations to share the state with. Read about Dark Guardian and the Black Circle

A quote to warm the dark shriveled up hearts of Evil;
"Public safety officials, citing both physical safety and civil liberties concerns, have said they would prefer if amateur avengers left the work to professionals. That night in Washington Square Park, Dark Guardian succeeded in convincing the alleged dealer to leave without violence. The departure, however, didn’t come without a few threats and a hurried 911 call from the superhero".

Coming up on Post #50, and following the examples of ones own betters, a blog of something special should be concocted.

One never should have had that last Malignarita,
-Lord Malignance
(Yelling at Minions, and Ranting at your ArchNemesis with a Hangover is torture.)

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