Monday, March 22, 2010

Healthcare - a Lesson for Villainy

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now (Villains excepted of course),

So, Universal Healthcare moved forward, and despite dire predictions of the Apocalypse if it had, the sun did come up this morning and the world continued apace. America remains the country of the free, and a very odd thing happened:

The efforts of Villainy to use fear and ignorance failed before truth and compassion for your fellow citizens.

If you are in the business of enslaving humanity, as one is, then you can take heart in the fact that so few, were almost successful in controlling the thoughts of so many others. Their tools? Only the tools that we all have access to. And money - mountains of cash, supplied by weak willed ignorant people afraid that someone/something was going to change their lives in a way they did not wish. Facts? These were not important, as so many were lazy about research, and set in their preconcieved ideas. They believed what others told them, and accepted their orders like crouching minions.

Better for our purposes, they were convinced that the care of other citizens is not their responsibility - that a great country can remain so, if you only care about yourself and your own personal desires. Many of these people were self confessed Christians, and were convinced that the Right thing to do, was to let good people suffer and die, so that they themselves might make more money. Never mind the simple inescapable facts that the rich are exploiting them - crushing them under the weight of an economic model that robs the majority, to serve the needs of the very few most wealthy. Despite what they profess as faith, they were controlled and made to act in opposition to the tenents of their beliefs!

Fear and Ignorance are mighty tools for Villainy to exploit, and one hopes you have become more familiar with their qualities this week, and their applications. Tea Parties? Only another name for Gang of Minions, serving their fear mongering master. One hopes to setup such a chapter soon, and use them for ones own malignant purposes. What do we fear? Government Satan Worshiping Baby Eaters! Send Money (and a lot) to Lord Malignance Now!

Programming Note:

Lord Malignance will be gracing the Malvado SV Blogtalk show on Wednesday 915pm MST. Bring your questions, prayers, compliments, oaths of allegience, and flattery.

To the Villain Mainline Oxycontin - don't move to Costa Rica - Evil still needs you, now more than ever!

With splendid horror unfolding,
-Lord Malignance


  1. I don't think Jabba the Rush can even fit through the front door of his house. The idea of him exiting the comfort and safety of his 'home studio' is just as doubtful as him leaving the country.

    The pills in Costa Rica aren't delicious enough for him.

    Full of hate and cheap Chinese delivery,
    -Malvado SV

  2. Hmm, personally, I would have implemented healthcare reform AFTER I took over the planet. First I'd have the citizenry weak and diseased, then I'd storm in. After that I implement health care and promptly send everyone to toil in the diamond mines.

  3. Additionally:

    I know for a fact I will be tuning in on Wednesday. Though I may be a few minutes late and miss the beginning.

    When are you typically on MSN, Maglignance? As one of the few villains I see as my equals, I find it shocking that we haven't communicated, apart from blog comments.

  4. Malvado,

    All too true. all too true. But what an army of minions he commands! An artist in his craft.

    Crimson Nematode,

    Diamond mines? Sweet Googly-Moogly, that's Evil with a capital E. Aren't half the worlds diamonds "Conflict" diamonds these days?

    Evil DOES need a coordinated communication method. Blogs and "the henchman express" are not means with greatest alacrity. Something to ponder...

    -Lord Malignance

  5. You made me click on Rush Limbaugh's website.

    I screamed in terror and now Fermi won't come out from under the bed.

    I will be sending YOU the pet psychiatrist bill. >:O

  6. Beryllium,

    Ouch! Ones apologies extended to you and to Fermi, and all who found their senses unduly assailed. What of "Fear" and "Ignorance" ? One felt a reflexive regurgitation when linking them.

    Some things once seen cannot be unseen.

    -Lord Malignance

  7. I'm glad it passed, if just to spite those who do not understand what communism is.

    I do appreciate how they let their ignorant voices be heard. It allows us to pin-point those who are not only willing to be enslaved, but deserve it.

  8. Master Calamity,

    You are correct as always. What is missed is that Free and Fair elections were held in this country. All who could vote, were allowed to vote. Out of all possible candidates (and there was a wide field, including many who claimed to be controlled by Reagan, "From beyond the Grave") the most liberal Republican was chosen to run against the most liberal Democrat. Some claim that Obama was the most liberal Democrat to have ever walked the Earth. America voted, and chose the most liberal of these two candidates - and not by a narrow margin. There was no coup, there was no hand of Villainy. Yet a very vocal minority will have you believe that the vast majority of America wants to go back to the methods and talents of the NeoCon Cabal. This is of course, a lie. Yet watch Faux News sell it, and watch people buy it. Enslave America? It's not really a matter of "How", it's already happening (on all sides of the political spectrum). One just wants to take advantage of the Minion Breeding, and cull from the herd, some choice servants before they're all snatched up.

    -Lord Malignance
