Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Business has been good, and by "good" one means "Evil"

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL crouch before me now! (Villains excepted, of course),

Catching up on Evil Business;

Instrument of Evil:
The submission (Lord Malignance does NOT submit!!) period is April 1st thru 15th, with the Campaign beginning on May 1st. The good have been provided a one month reprieve from their inevitable demise. The Campaign will run from May 1st through May 31st (a full month).

The application must be accepted or rejected prior to my onslaught, so somewhere before May, one will know if the first iteration of Instrument of Evil will be launching.

No Illegal Activities. The destruction of All Real Life Superheroes, is pest control.

Cannot encourage the taking up of arms against any person, government, or entity.

Cannot discriminate against, disparage or denigrate any race, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, political orientation, national origin, ancestry, marital status, veteran status, or mental or physical disability.

Cannot disparage or denigrate a product, service, person, company or organization including, but not limited to, Sponsor.

Cannot encourage the cessation of or act to negatively impact a business or enterprise.

There are many other rules and considerations, and these can be found here.

You are invited to please enjoy the Malvado Show Wednesday night, at 2100MST (Mountain/Malignance Standard Time)

Evolution leaps forward! No, it’s not the X-Men, it’s Homo Malignus, courtesy of comments in Z’s blog.

Evil does not support violence. It’s thuggish, and unworthy even of Minions, courtesy of comments in Poop Knife’s blog.

Lair goings on.

Possible merger with the Diabolical Madame X: The details are still being worked out, but it may be that for the sake of greater Evil, there may be reassignment of lab/quarters/dungeon space at the Lair. In all likeliness this will be bad, as a running guerilla war throughout the Lair will serve no Evil purpose. It didn’t work with Ghost of Nixon vs Everyone, and it won’t work for me. C’est La Vie.

Comrade Cocoa has been attempting to sway ducks to his Communist Brigade. This wouldn’t seem likely, however he seems more at home around ducks than with cats. It might just be that he thinks he can chase and catch ducks? He also likes to wade – and you can see his confusion as he realizes ducks glide above the water, while he keeps going deeper with each step he takes. If he could quack, he would quack and swim away. Expectations that a Fowl (foul) Proletariat is afoot once more, as the quail seem to have remained tools of the Bourgeoisie.

No sign of Bob, and Ghost of Nixon is trying to acquire some form of employment having returned to his home. Only a Henchman would call a job, “a paying gig”.

Speaking of the Henchman "Ghostest with the Mostest", his recent evaluation did not go well for him. As it was his objective to flak trolls in their dens of wretchedness, his results were;
7% (with one vote - ghostly enough) "Ready to Graduate to Villainy!"
38 % "Almost Sinister enough. Needs more polish."
38% "Henchman, but still a talented Henchman."
15% "Could pass for a Minion. You suck!"
As this was an Evil Poll, you should know that the desired results were to be Evil. His performance would have been graded on how much hatred was directed at his survey, and as he seems to have produced midling results, he will continue to serve my needs as trusted henchman.
This of course, does not come with an increase in pay.

Copyright on Super-hero, interesting read.

More Evil on the Horizon,

-Lord Malignance


  1. Lord Maligance,

    Thanks a ton for the shout-out, good sir! We here at Guerrilla City hope that your wonderfully evil laughter can grace us once again!

    Also, fantastic to hear things are moving along smoothly! You've most certainly got my vote!

    -Malvado SV

  2. You're wrong. Evil DOES support violence. Wannabes who are trying to prove they're only kidding compared to actual evil do not support violence and the facade you're maintaining. So which is it? Are you evil? Or a bad joke?

  3. And are you really a christman demon? Seriously, for someone with a (fake) educated accent that comment came out sounding pretty dense.

    Ask yourself that question instead, Krampus. Megacon chose you (for reasons beyond me) to be the "voice" of the villain community. Villains are meant to be evil. Are YOU evil? Because by your logic that means you support violence as well.

    Honestly, some of you folks are taking this shit waaaaay too seriously.

    Malvado SV

  4. Yawn. Ghost of Nixon - Front and Center. The demon needs some troll flakking.

    -Lord Malignance

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That last comment was rude. So I'll just say this: Your idea of Homo Malignus is nothing new. It's a classification that might define the whole of humanity for the last few thousands of years, constantly reverting to animal behavior to get what they want. It's not a next step, or a new step, or any kind of step but backwards. To try to put it under your own term would be me taking the idea of sex and calling it "Z PUBIC THRUSTS FOR PLEASURE"...

    I said all this on my comments. I don't know why you're running with this one.

  7. Z,

    Point of view/matter of perspective. Organisms do not devolve, they evolve. Homo Malignus is an evolutionary advancement, a useful competitive advantage. One imagines the plight of the poor Neanderthal as he saw the Cro Magnon blog (on cave walls) about what saps they were. This is nature reasserting herself against the weakness creeping into the gene pool (see Demons:Christmas for example).

    -Lord Malignance

  8. Evolution is when something changes. Nothing has changed. It's always been that way, thus my point. Not a matter of perspective in this case.

    It's called sociopathy, and psychopathy, amongst other things. It's been covered in textbooks. And it's been around for thousands of years.

    The evolution is that people aren't going to deal with it anymore. That's the change.

    I'd say the useful advantage is the hybrid of someone wanting peace and willing to protect by malignant means.

    You nor I understand fully the nature of evolution,and shouldnt pretend to, but I understand this: Evolution is such that it has, without fail, produced things that the previous generation has never even heard of, never even imagined could be possible. Next level type of stuff.

    What do you think it's been for the last 100 years, eh? People being nice to each other? The last 1000 years? Birthday parties and care bears?

    No. Like I said, evolution is change, by definition.

  9. Z,

    An interesting book, on this (one steals the best) is Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work found at http://www.amazon.com/Snakes-Suits-When-Psychopaths-Work/dp/B000QW7Q72/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1270078412&sr=1-1 . For my disertation on Homo Malignus, one should specify this new race of superhumans, who will rule the Earth as my unstoppable army, should be properly named "Homo Sapiens Malignus".

    And Cro Magnons Blogging on Cave Walls? That was Brilliant!

    Thank you for your posts - it's a good argument, and there is much to say and learn and enjoy from all directions. It's Science!
    -Lord Malignance

  10. Krampus,
    Evil doesn't support violence you, mmm messed up, little grunt. Nobody who wants to post here, or spend time in the real world does. That you can, mmm muster the courage to try to incite people to be stupid, is more of your jackassery. First thing Krappy you need to know, is the difference, mmm between crime and evil. The villains can do anything - just as the good can. It's people, not ideas that do violence, and nobody is pushing ideas of violence - ever. Betcha on your blog, you do, right?

    For instance: Boss wants something. He, mmm sends Bob. Bob's nice - courteous, but he's kind of weird. Boss doesn't get what he wants, he sends, mmm me. See, I'm pretty normal looking, but I'm not nice. If you have to use violence, you've already lost the upper hand. You think it's all a comicbook game for children, mmm is just dumb.

    Shove Mr. Jingles up there, and mmm, ask someone to help you out with the big ideas.
    -Ghost of Nixon
    Henchman and Servant to my Lord Malignance
