Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fell Off The Fourth Estate Wagon. Again.

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance and you WILL Crouch! before me Now!
(Villains excepted, of course)

One has been quite naughty in Facebook. (Public profile) If you want to see how the New York Initiative answers questions on their stated beliefs, or see the dainty debutante Jack Cero run away and hide, you have only to see what a scoundrel One has been. You would think they must have something truly awful to hide, the way they Panic! at just pointing out things like;

1) Phoenix Jones apparently has arrests he can claim he assisted in. What of the New York Reavers? Anything Other than autobiographical stories or easily staged events? Is there ANY proof they do anything at all but prance around for the cameras and tell wild tales to entertain?

2) They're most proud of "protecting" prostitutes. Well - prostitution actually, and the Pimps who profit from the illegal exploitation of women. And the true misery and horror of human trafficking. When you think New York Initiative, remember what they aren't telling you: A lot of Pimps owe them for helping keep them in business.

3) In the HBO documentary just recently shown nationwide, when the "Reavers" aren't prancing around on camera like jackanapes, they demonstrate the illegal and dangerous activity of archery practice on a rooftop in the crowded Bronx. Because arrows missing the target would hit their brick backdrop and bounce off and sail off the roof and into the sidewalk below. Unless stopped first by someone's head. Some child's head, or adults head. Because they desperately want you to know that they care about people and they want to protect them - unless you know, it's to look cool and be recklessly thoughtless by knowingly breaking the law. Because One knows One can't fire arrows in the suburbs - that would be stupid. How dumb do you have to be to do it in a Metropolis? Unless it's not dumb, it's that they don't actually care about the people they're professing to sacrifice so much of their lives for. Point made: the person firing the arrows ("Lucid") may no longer be with their group: The point remains: He didn't sneak up there and do it when no one was watching that one time. He must have had the support of all the members of the group, who are still members. It's not an anomaly, it's policy. They may have since changed the policy - after boasting of it to a camera crew no less, but the thinking behind it, the rationale that people around them really don't matter - that's still there with all the remaining members.

4) Jack Cero is a tiny coward afraid of Villains who question him, and call him on his phony bleeding heart posturing. If you challenge him at all, and hold him to speak truth he will run away and hide. And it's not just me he fears. Others have come forward publicly and privately to say he's done the same thing frequently. Consistently. One has now four personally collected instances of this. Oh, he's got a mouth - he likes to start with his bragging and frequent judgments (as if anyone cares what he has to say), but if you turn that back on him - watch him scurry away to hide behind the skirts of other heroes. Yesterday? Three heroes, and a Facebook page (New York Initiative) of followers? How cowardly do you have to be, to hide behind hundreds of people? Why "HardCore Vigilante Cowardly" apparently. The result? He's blocked me, and deleted my questions. The New York Initiative Page must be nothing but praise and worship of superheroes! (Because Jack might just cry if you call him a bad name. Like calling him a tiny virginal princess). Why, according to the actions of these superheroes, no hero could every possibly stand up to the challenge of Villainy and live up to what they profess daily (and very loudly, with false tears in their eyes): That you are honest, honorable, brave, and strong in your convictions.

Like so many superheroes, Jack Cero and the New York Initiative are pandering frauds, in it only for the fame. Like clawing desperate animals.

5) Jack's great Knowledge of All Things Superhero is that he is also therefore a Krav Maga "X-pert" because he knows someone who knows someone who knows something about it. And that he mud wrestles in probably New York Sewage (Flooding - where does that water commingle? Ah yes, the sewers). That makes you a Krav Maga Jedi all right. Jacqueline has an ego, and this will make it all the more fun when he cracks. Anyone catch that interview he did about his childhood? One can't find it, but it was soul wrenching to read.
Perhaps it can be found?
And Shared.
And Commented on.

Ah, Evil times.

6) Ira Ui'Raghallaigh pointed this out to me: When the RLSH sold out to promote the Movie Kick-Ass on their website through some sort of advertising scheme, that selling out and the Movie Kick-Ass -where the characters become really motivated after they see how many hits they've received on Facebook - THAT was the origin of the New York Initiative. The act of selling out and gleeking for your own fame. It makes so much sense when you put it all together. Kick-Ass cosplayers telling adventure stories to an audience. They're MetaSuperheroes!

Side note 1: Ira Ui'Raghallaigh is himself such a He-Man superhero, that he claims he has a "Standing offer" to pay for any Villain to come out and prance around like jackasses on camera - One means "Play superheroes with the other children". Here's a better challenge. Try being a Villain: Stand up to greater numbers, believe in something, and speak truth to power. Call a superhero on their dangerous behavior, and do the hard work of making change. By your Will and by Intelligence. Not stand around slapping each other on the backsides and looking the other way at craziness. Start with Master Legend, like little villains do. But you won't. You can't. It's your weakness, and it's superheroic.

Side Note 2: Even though Jacqueline threw Lucid under the bus to blame him for the Archery practice (Jackie must hide even from his own group membership sometimes), Lucid is amazingly poor at arguing. His one trick to cover for his poor language/intelligence/debate skills? Talking like a surfer. Yes! One hasn't encountered that before. But then there was Fast Times at Ridgemont High...

Ah, Villainy. It satisfies and sustains me, if for no other reason than to watch the mighty in their sham kingdoms of lies come tumbling down before me. Not by my hand, no, but by the hands of their own kind.

For it IS only patience and perseverance between now and then.

-Lord Malignance


  1. Everything you have said Malignance is true. He's this huge douche bag we all have to just listen to as he flaps his lips. More people hate him - really HATE him a lot more than you can guess. You don't hear half of what we say behind his back. He's going to be out on his ass before much longer.

  2. Anonymous,

    Yes! Thank you. Please do respect One's blog though and refrain from course language. Can you say anything about why other superheroes "hate" him?

    Is it because he's a loose cannon - a dangerous tin dictator building an army of armed imbeciles who are playing "batman" with real people's lives?

    Post anonymously if you will, or email me, and One will keep your name in confidence.

    -Lord Malignance

  3. Okay I'll bite.

    My big problem is lack of professionalism as I see it. I don't think they have their operation together as well as they hype themselves and I think some of the things they do are going to lead to some kids trying to be like them, or the image they like to project, into getting hurt or worse.

  4. The rest is too long for comments. I'm sending it by pm on facebook. Feel free to post it if you want.

  5. Dave Baymiller,

    One agrees. A link;


    One gets that they promise a lot, but it appears to be a "cult" of personality. It's not religion that's being peddled, it's vigilantism, with religious fervor. It's hyped up martyrdom for worthiness, and it's not good in this post 9/11 world.

    Thank you - will find you in Facebook,
    -Lord Malignance

  6. Agreed on the cult of personality, they're good at hyping themselves. Lots of the 'veterans' are. As for the vigilantism, I haven't seen proof of active application of this. You'd think there'd be a string of news articles on muggers with broken bones and hospitalizations. There is not. More hype adding to the 'legend.'
    What also often bothers me is the sometimes non-subtle hints of posthumanism in the community, of being better than the average person, that seems to crop up quite a bit. We're not. That's the point. Normal people doing good deeds to help and inspire. It's sure not inspiring when little unprofessional jabs between Phoenix Jones and the NYI crews come across as childish as a Jr. high locker room after PE.

  7. Now let's see how much flack I catch for this. :D

  8. Dave Baymiller,

    Posthumanism! Excellent. Villains claim such, but not so much by being gifted, but by working at it (and then only as acknowledgement of the Archtype, and not as much outside of it. It's the Real Job and Responsibilities that keep us in check). One calls the ArchAngels (Master Legend and Tothian) superheroes 2.o.

    You can always delete the comments, or if you request, One will delete them. One is an instigator, and no one else should suffer for my machinations.

    Where are those police reports? The NYI must intimidate their victims into never reporting the righteous justice dealt to them. That's pretty sweet. And no witnesses. Unless - it's all story time. One must write a NYI inspired Criminal encounter. With Ninjas! But THAT would be MetaFictional, and produced for entertainment more for crime fighting.

    Thank you,
    -Lord Malignance

  9. Nope. Won't delete a thing. I've got a voice in this community as well as they do and these are my concerns. To run and hide from that and keep my mouth shut when I see things of concern, well that isn't something that should be encouraged in the community.

  10. Wow. You guys are pitiful.


  11. btw... how many people will actually read this? 5-10?


  12. Princess Jacqueline,

    You will note, that One won't delete your message or hide from you. Unlike you - One is not a coward and does not fear the truth, and run away and hide from honesty. One doesn't have a desperate need to cleanse any dissenting thought from my work to sell a viewpoint.

    I am a Villain. I am Better than superheroes.

    As to your points: Pitiful? Keep believing that. Seriously. Because you think your judgement is valued, and it isn't. But that's your ego - and your downfall. Somewhere between your over-inflated sense of worth, and your tiara is this building impotent rage. And Jackie - One saw that interview you gave about your childhood problems. How impotence causes you to lash out helplessly.

    Ticking, ticking, ticking.

    5-10? Heh, heh, heh. Why yes, only 5-10 people read this blog Jacqueline. And they never talk to anyone. Ever. Your batman detective skills have found me out.

    -Lord Malignance
