Thursday, September 22, 2011

NeoCon Tears Are Ambrosia. Enjoy!

Santorum demands Google to unremember “frothy mix result,” Google tells him to get bent

Crazed homophobe and presidential candidate Rick Santorum says the communists at Google won't rewrite their search algorithms that return a disagreeable top result linked to his name because he is a member of God's chosen political party.
"I suspect if something was up there like that about Joe Biden, they'd get rid of it," he told Politico. "If you're a responsible business, you don't let things like that happen in your business that have an impact on the country." He continued: "To have a business allow that type of filth to be purveyed through their website or through their system is something that they say they can't handle, but I suspect that's not true."
Google told him to suck it up.
Santorum asks Google to clean up search results for his name (Via Cynical-C)

Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of Boing Boing

Lifestyle Choice Witch Hunter Rick Santorum has no one to blame but himself. At least the Soul of the World may take some solace that some small, small, fractional piece of justice has been doled out. Will Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfield ever see the inside of a World Court Tribunal Cell? No. But History will judge them, soon enough. 

-Lord Malignance


  1. If you're so tough, there's a lot to mock libs for. Liberals are whiny, sissified, and bitch about everything.

    You're a supervillain, but you groan about how bad waterboarding is? Doesn't add up.

  2. Anonymous,

    It's easy - and you might not quite grasp this; No one Is perfect. Oh, One IS most likely the closest anyone will ever come, but even One cannot quite claim overall perfection. However, One doesn't claim such, as is the case with Liberals. Only superheroes claim to be "super" - better than everyone else - as do the conservatives. Let the Conservatives tell women how they can use their own bodies. That's conservative "healthcare".

    Liberals - as the name implies allow growth. They aren't afraid of the future. They are "Progressive". Some Villains feel the same way, while some appreciate the meddling desire to inflict endless wars on the world, like Conservatives do. Note: Like conservatives, these Villains too, are chicken hawks, never actually intending to serve in the military.

    One is honest, and hopeful in My Evil. A progressive future of people unafraid to be the best they can be - all helping each other overcome our mutual setbacks. Because if you notice, we are never stronger than our weakest link, we are never more than the least of our number. If we want to Rule and lead by example, we must be Better than the rest. And we don't do that with conservative weakness.

    Waterboarding actually is in conflict with America's obligations to the Geneva Conventions (One knows a thing or two about the World Court), and as such, goes against everything America stands for and has stood for. Read quotes from General Washington, on the treatment of British Soldiers. It set a precedent, we have followed, and hopefully will still follow, save for that slip into third world torture habits.

    -Lord Malignance
