Thursday, September 29, 2011


The Lady Jacqueline Tweets.
Superheroes - it's not "super" unless you tell someone about it.

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance and you WILL Crouch! before me NOW.
(Villains excepted of course)

One has seen a very large upswing in readership, and interest in Villainy since One's recent gentle and persuasive stand against the vigilante tyranny of the New York Initiative.

Thank you Jack, for my recent success. If One had known how much borderline hatred  your group has engendered in just the short time you've been lording your self-delusional superiority over everyone else dumb enough to listen to you, One would have humiliated you so much the sooner. As a public service.

Therefore, One would be remiss in not taking advantage of this opportunity and making welcome new readers, and showing not the value of my humble work (for One is a poor champion of a more worthy cause), but instead to showcase the work of others who are much more deserving of recognition than Oneself.

There are many Villains working in our World Of Evil. Not every one of them One agrees with, and not every Villain One agrees with all the time. But All have struggled to be found worthy in my eyes;

(Google them, or Find them in Facebook)

Evil Organizations;
Legion of Doom
Roaming Eye of Doom

Agent Beryllium
Agent Wraith
Computer King
Doctor Steele
Professor Magnus Obsidian
Octavius Fong

Great Awards which None are Yet Worthy
Ordo Malignus

-Lord Malignance


  1. Now see here, Maliggy (oh yea, I'm taking it there!).. You've created a list.
    There is always backlash with lists.
    The main problem?
    Every list leaves something to be desired.
    It also leads to tracking.

    With that said.. Mad Blackguard is doing a fine job of lurking.

  2. Agent Wraith,

    Tracking? Pfft. Google Tracking. One watches Mad Blackguard. He and I don't intersect quite often enough to know him well enough. Time.

    -Lord Malignance
    Aw Geez, "Maliggy" will start on T-Shirts. One will have people in such shirts FOUND.
