Tuesday, April 19, 2011



If you only read one blog today, please consider it this one.

One has been scrapping with Agent Beryllium, over issues of trust, and One has seen this as a problem to solve. It's what One does - solve problems with logic and rational analysis. You look at issues as components, you assemble them into operational order and you look for errors. When you find one, you probe it to understand the failure. When doing this, you divorce yourself from any feelings you might have for a desired result - you look only for the truth - the solved equation.

As you might know, One works on projects, some small and some larger, and on the larger projects, One collaborates with others. One had an opportunity to present the issues in Villainy to a female colleague, who One asked her for her honest opinion. What she helped me understand is that there are two different operational models at work. A logical one, and an emotional one. The problem is not either, but both, and if looked at without the emotional dimension, the answers One was seeking could not be found. The suggestion was to not look at the specific language for answers, but the meanings behind the words.

This was a breakthrough.

Taking a look at the issues of trust and betrayal, from a logical standpoint the answers to questions weren't adding up - and One labeled these variables "lies", and because the issue was important as is the friendship, One probed these answers. It's what One does to understand. Looking at the way the answers were sought, from an emotional standpoint, this behavior would reasonably be seen as "betrayal". But neither is accurate - it is just two people looking at an issue from two different operational models - and neither is fully correct. As this has been an issue of trust between people, you must have both emotion and logic.

With that in mind, demands One was making for understanding become unreasonable to hold onto (those in the know will know these, and One won't recount the specifics), and One will now enumerate their results: Items 1 and 2, applying an understanding of an emotional dimension to the these issues, they become small things, and One lets them go happily. One's reactions to the failure to achieve these objectives - 1) the termination of Support of ROACH and ROACH members is also let go, and One embraces support for Ones friends and colleagues once more. 2) As is the fall from favor of my friend, that friendship and favor restored. Item 3, the Potentate more than fulfilled, and One thanks him for his courage and leadership in this action. Item 4 is an apology for a terrible insult that One must make in private, and in public. When the time seems right, One will make a full and proper apology as demanded by courtesy and friendship. There may be crouching. Item 5, One will let some time go, and then advise of intent to allow cleansing content, and then will rejoin colleagues in an unnamed location.

To heroes who have been cruising the blogs looking for "blood in the water", and weakness in Villainy. THIS is what you have found instead; From the beginning there have been two Villains who did not understand each other in some ways. Villainy identified the issues, and we worked together to find, understand, and resolve the issues. There was never enmity, or hatred, or anything less than care and respect for the other, and the work we do. One appreciates Beryllium for communicating and being strong in her convictions and desires to find truth also. Instead of weakness, what you have found is strength. A better understanding among Villains, and trust, and honor returned. It might have been messy at times, but it is a profound improvement over what has gone before, and fosters significant improvement for future.

Apologies here are unnecessary. In both our ways, we were honest in our approaches to defend, support, and nurture Villainy. And yet, feelings were hurt. We know the rules to Apology; You right that which is wrong, you acknowledge your part, and you apologize. One has acknowledged part, no apology from either is warranted now, and that leaves making right that which was made wrong. And so, to relieve any pain One may have caused in seeking answers, One will dedicate this next week of blog posts to Beryllium. A week of curious and fun things, and surprises along the way. Watch for Sunday's post.

One still has issues w/the New ROACH Document, but these One feels can be worked out to some form of compromise.

-Lord Malignance


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. LL,

    You will please refrain from speaking about people in that way. You only add to the ugliness of the world.

    Do this please.

    -Lord Malignance
