Tuesday, April 12, 2011

EPIC in Villainy - AND a Sequel!

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL Crouch! before me NOW!
(Villains excepted, of course)

One has been aware of these treasures for some time, and finally pulled the information together to share them. Remember - at first you'll think they are childish, but beneath, they are profound.



The Sequel: Supervillain II "Revengesicle"

Both courtesty of BarfQuestion on Youtube.

And as a bonus Fearture;

The Gentleman's Guide to Villainy from Aidan McAteer on Vimeo.

There's still time to go out and celebrate Yuri's Night, and if you do, please select a designated driver, and be safe and happy this evening.

-Lord Malignance


  1. Lord Malignance Welcome back.

    There certainly are a lot of links and videos on Embrace the Malignance as of late. It's almost as if You've decided to be a curator of the internets. I wonder what could have inspired this change.

  2. Overlord,

    Perhaps it is One's absence for two weeks? But no, One takes your meaning: valuable feedback was received by all, and in this, there is Victory for Villainy.

    -Lord Malignance

  3. Great Gravy, you're actually spamming? There is a way to correct this, but it is up to you.

    -Lord Malignance

  4. Not spamming. Just pointing out inconsistencies.

  5. Wait - what inconsistencies? Precognition? This is starting up again, isn't it? Does One advertise on your blog? One is lost now. If you can, please explain. Instant Message?

  6. One calls handgrenade: Time for sleep - the eyes are hurting - and a headache from earlier. Good Night.

  7. Beryllium,

    Ahh - One sees now. Yes, the two links above point to previous posts on other blogs. One thanks you for your time and effort in providing this information. One did not remember seeing them elsewhere, and likely, posting found items will from time to time cause inadvertent poaching. One meant no offense, and hopes none was taken. A new audience might find this new information.

    -Lord Malignance
