Friday, April 15, 2011

Super Harmony

Greetings and Lamentations;
Villains and heroes in in the world of dating;

Accreditation to the source on YouTube.

Happy Friday everyone, and welcome to the new Followers. One will be following your faces to your pages to see what you have going on. Thank you all for giving Villainy a look at.

-Lord Malignance


  1. I've always done my best to avoid office romance, but I will admit that I'm surprised there hasn't been a lot of hooking up between the communities yet. Really, an estimated six hundred capes world-wide and none of them match..? A world without love is indeed a horrible thing.

  2. Malvado,
    Who knows? Maybe there has been? And you are right about a world without love. Love IS Evil, and everything that can be found in one exists in the other.

    One thanks you for doing what you have done. One will re-associate with you formally in the coming days.

    Spring is in the Air!
    -Lord Malignance
    (Or as we say at the Lair: "Henchwomen Wanted")
