Friday, April 15, 2011

Dr. Villain, Evil Mastermind

Villainy is an art - an art of performance as well as Evil. To be truly memorable, you must embrace the skillcraft of Villainy. Observe, a Master at his Craft;

Courtesy of kevincmurray at Funny or Die.

May you all have an Evil, Villainous Weekend,
-Lord Malignance


  1. These movies made me laugh - a lot. I like this whole setup you've got going on.

    As you were

  2. If a lone Villain raves in an empty basement lair, does he make a sound?

    Only if he uses a video camera, apparently I need to purchase one. Your new pace is frantic and inspiring all at once, Lord Malignance.

  3. It's the Airing of Grievances and the received Feedback. If we can clean it up some, we could make it an annual holiday!

    Thank you though. It is appreciated.
    -Lord Malignance
