Saturday, April 23, 2011

Troll Hunter

Troll Hunter - the Norwegian Blair Witch Project - and about 1000 times cooler!


  1. 1000 times cooler than Blair Witch...your average GEIKO commercial meets that standard.

    (I still want my five dollars back for renting that turd of a film!)

  2. Absolutely agree with you Crossfire. At the time, it was the *Big* thing because it was made on a shoe-string budget and made a profit. Doesn't mean it was a good movie though. What One likes about this Troll Hunter movie is that the Northern peoples have legends of giants with many heads, and One sees that in that video clip. One isn't so sure about Trolls though. Aren't they European legends? We will have to see.

    Looks waaay cool though, and Hollywood needs the competition. How many remakes can we still keep churning out?

    Thank you, and keep up the good (Curses!) work on the BlogTalk Radio show,

    -Lord Malignance
