Wednesday, August 31, 2011



One is investigating what One suspects is Ninja activity around My Colorado Holdfast, and while driving from place to place, has been listening to the Captain America: The First Avenger [Soundtrack] by Alan Silvestri. Mostly the music works best in the context of the movie, but there are two standouts in One's humble opinion. 

The Captain America theme, as you would suppose. It is stirring yet short, hearkens to the time and place with a military cadence, and nicely uses appropriate coronet and snare drums. It reflects and appears inspired by "Fanfare for the Common Man" by Aaron Copland. At least to me. Both seem to speak to a quality of individuality, a willingness to struggle against adversity and remain noble in the face of hardship. 

The Second, and to my own sensibilities the more fun, and yet nostalgic is the "Star Spangled Man" which is beautiful yet reflective of a period when America was in dark times, and we all pulled together to fight a common enemy. And that's gloss, because there really was terrible social injustice at the time, but we look back with rose colored glasses and choose to see things perhaps better than they were. The music is patriotic in that beautiful non political correct way we can remember and enjoy, yet anachronistic enough to have cleaned up some of the racial slurs that were prevalent whenever nationalism goes into overdrive. The Words and a youtube Grab are included below courtesy of the Wordpress blog "Pagelady"; 

The Star Spangled Man With A Plan lyrics

“The Star Spangled Man With A Plan” is the USO song featured in the new Captain America movie.  I can’t be the only one wanting to know what the lyrics are, and, maddeningly, they are nowhere to be found via google.  Here’s my attempt to decipher them.  I’m including the youtube video that I’ve watched multiple times in the process.  Lines in (parenthesis) mean they are sung at the same time as the lines above them, lines in [brackets] or question marks in brackets means either I’m not sure or have no idea what they’re saying.  If you figure out any of the lines I can’t hear, let me know in the comments.*

Who’s strong and brave, here to save the American Way?
Who vows to fight like a man for what’s right night and day?
Who will campaign door-to-door for America,
Carry the flag shore to shore for America,
From Hoboken to Spokane,
The Star Spangled Man with a Plan!
We can’t ignore there’s a threat and a war we must win,
Who’ll hang a noose on the goose-stepping goons from Berlin?
Who will indeed lead the call for America,
Who’ll rise or fall,  give his all for America,
Who’s here to prove that we can?
The Star Spangled Man with a Plan!
Stalwart and steady and true,
(see how this guy can shoot, we tell ya, there’s no substitute!)
Forceful and ready to defend the
Red, White, and Blue!
Who’ll give the Axis the sack, and is smart as a fox?
(far as an eagle will soar)
Who’s making Adolph afraid to step out of his box?
(He knows what we’re fighting for!)
Who [waked the giant that napped in] America?
We know it’s no-one but Captain America,
Who’ll finish what they began?
Who’ll kick the Krauts to Japan?
The Star Spangled Man with a Plan!
(Who’s strong and brave, here to save the American way?!)
*(I’ve updated with suggestions from the comments.  This is fun, you guys!)

Back to Ninja Investigations, Video Responses, Magnus Obsidian Time Travel Challenge, and hiding from the oppressive Summer

If you haven't taken a look at the Magnus Obsidian Challenge, please do. It's fun for Time Travelers and those who aren't. The deadline is September 15th, and all you need is the Internet, some Imagination, a sense of Fun, and a few minutes time. 

-Lord Malignance

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