Monday, August 15, 2011

Objectivism Is Evil

Randian Doom
Click to Enlarge

Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of A Web comic by Curt Franklin and Chris Haley


  1. Agent Wraith posted even more at;

    Ayn Rand wrote some books (fiction) describing her philosophy including The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. The ideas are very compatible with Villainy, but like everything, you can't read too much into it. They're worth checking into though - each of us will find something different for the experience.

    -Lord Malignance
    (has been trying to get through Atlas Shrugged

  2. The Fountainhead is far more readable... and "Anthem."

    It's been years since I read any of her stuff. Personally I think that, like Nietzsche, she had some great idea and was also a bit whacked.

    She's quotable.

  3. Also if you want to drop some money on it you could just read Steve Ditko's old "Mr. A" comics. That character was watered down as DC's "The Question" and then, of course, adapted to become Rorschach.

  4. Hmm... I see now I reversed the chronology of the Question and Mr. A...


  5. Mega-Rad,

    Excellent - One knows the Question was a source of inspiration for Rorschach, but did not know of Mr. A. This is going to be a delight to research. AND you provided a Link - thank you. There are a few books One has obligated myself to read. Atlas, and Ulysses - and both are crushing me. But One will persevere.

    They're books! Books can't beat me!

    Thank you as always,
    -Lord Malignance
