Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Malignobots and Video


If you've been following Villainy, something fun has started and it's moving along in strange and delightful ways. The story begins with wacky Malignobots - poorly constructed, robotic henchmen...
Basic Malignobot Configuration

...who seem to be loose and causing mischief wherever they are found.

Professor Magnus Obsidian found them scurrying around in his lab, and was able to re engineer them for his experiments answering one of Life's Great Questions with Reality Altering results;

"Ask the Professor #2" courtesy of Professor Magnus Obsidian at Obsidian Labs

The faulty horde of cranky robots also have found their way into Agent Wraith's Lair "Los Sauces" with disastrous results. 

"What's the Password" courtesy of Agent Wraith at Los Sauces

Where will the story go next? 

-Lord Malignance


  1. Overlord has sent more than a few Malignobots on their way with a heavy duty fly swatter. Seems to do the trick.

    ...and no, I won't be sending you a check for the damages, Malignance. They were in Over-territory.

  2. One knows there is a joke in there somewhere.

    Fly swatter v.s. Laser
    Both capable of great power.

  3. Overlord,
    Malignobot Invasions! One thinks One will have the secrets of ALL Villains soon enough, and your Overpowers will be Mine! (Just mastering a steak would be nice).

    Agent Wraith,
    Stupid Malignobots. One thanks you for your part in starting this meme. We should have some light fun, and laughs for quite some time. Working on a video response now. Perhaps this weekend.

    -Lord Malignance
