Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Conversations in Villainy...

Greetings and Lamentations,

One was wandering around, and found a supervillain manifesto, and found a conversation worth engaging. The conversation has started in this way;

Posted in Zyklon_B's blog 5 days ago  

The world is changing folks.. and for those who refuse to adapt to that change - you will surely fade into obscurity. Your bones will perhaps be discovered by some future civilization's grave robbers who claim to come in the name of science.. lovingly placed in a museum for the world to stare upon your primitive form in both wonder and disgust. This is the fate for those who insist upon clinging to the old way of doing things.. archaic beliefs that are quickly disposed of once a greater and more logical way of thinking takes hold upon the hearts and minds of a civilization.  Prehistoric worship of the sun was replaced by gods created in man's image..and then those gods were replaced with the miracles of science.  This is the way of things.. 

The words of Heraclitus come to mind as I write this.. "Nothing endures but change".

This being the case, a weak wolf does not better the pack..  You are more than welcome to the remains and scraps after the true hunters have had their fill.  Your misplaced sense of loyalty to those who openly claim to be your enemy is quite confusing.. not to mention self-destructive...as well as your dedication to a cause that has done nothing more than collect dust on a shelf for the past two years.  IS THIS what it means to be an adversary? To roll over on your back like a dog beaten by the hand of your master?? And what started all of this? Were you looking for an excuse to free yourself from the pack so you can cringe in hidden terror at the mere thought of a battle because you simply do not have it in you anymore??

If this is the case, then some sound advice for you.. back off from those who will do what needs to be done. Stay out of the way and out of sight.  Cowards shall die a cowards death and warriors shall forever be remembered with honor.


LEGION OF DOOM - Propaganda Minister

One answered;

lordmalignanceZyklon B,

Some villains arrive and come to stand on the shoulders of giants who have fought hard battles to be feared before they were ever known. How has this new villainy been tested? What victories have they won? Master Legend? Danger Woman? These are how they will be measured then. Contrast that to two years of constant battle, of undefeated slaughter of all who would challenge; these are the works of Villains. RLSH, Phantom Zero, Skiffy and their constant games of subterfuge, Zetaman, the Heroes Network. All have known challenge and have been made humble by Villains. And where are these heroes and groups now? Look at where they are now to where they have been. Consistent reasonable arguments defeat them at every turn, arguments made by Villains who have learned over time the methods and means to be successful. These new villains? Posting that they want to "start fires", posting pictures of "machetes". And every 12th member is an RLSH silently collecting information to use against them later. That's the level of their ability. Some might think battle is avoided? They think wrong. What is given is only so much opportunity as is necessary for these villains to be tested and found wanting.

When these new villains have earned respect, perhaps they will see some given. Simply putting "-RLSV" behind your name and hoping to find yourself accepted by Peers will always be inadequate - if they aspire to be more than nothing. That's how these new villains think: And it is empty, and demonstrates an unworthiness to those who accept them as equals. 5minutes creating a Facebook account, does not entitle villains to sit at "the master's table".

You have history. One is not aware of your work, but knows that you have been working for some time, and for this respect is given. One would not even bother posting if this were not the case. Do not fall into the trap of assuming that because children whine they elevate you. They are merely your charges, and you but a baby sitter. Your pack are unprepared and untested. They speak with bravado for accomplishments that are fiction. They are weak, and weaken you, by your own definition above. How can you be strong with soldiers who have never tasted battle? Who have never lost anything true, or fought hard for a victory?

-Lord Malignance
None stand before me as equals save Peers. All others found wanting will Crouch.
posted 1 second ago 

You may find the original conversation here, and find it interesting, and comment as you will. 


  1. White Skull gave me a hard time too. But, if One expects to be welcomed in without a 'screening process' or 'evaluation', they are mistaken.

    Zyklon B is a villain. Rough as his exterior may be, he maintains civility and intelligence (the WEAPONS OF CHOICE). I admire his willingness to see your approach as not a front, or a threat, but a concern, an opportunity for discussion and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

    White Skull may be a respected (even feared) villain, but by no means the end-all be-all of villainy (paraphrased from his own RULES). He is a 'teacher' and an asset to villainy. For this, he will always have some level of respect from Los Sauces. And it helps that he helms a laser capable of frying entire square miles of land and all who reside within.

    Lord Malignance, kudos. Again you have proven your strategy is a winning one. 'From the front', as always, is a respectable and feared approach. I applaud you for this. It is something that I have incorporated into my day-to-day and become better (feared) for it.

    So much to say, so little room to say it in,
    Agent Wraith

  2. Agent Wraith,

    Thank you. The Peerage of Villainy at our level is cherished because we have all earned our place. It is by consistent and evaluated work by other Villains. Villains who will offer fair criticism, and sometimes harsh scorn, but always with the intent to winnow the weak, and forge the worthy. There never can be a war in Villainy - such are the methods of heroes. But: Villainy can seek engagement on issues of concern. In this case, the new villains seeking the prestige earned by Villains who have come before, and using that prestige for purposes not always found agreeable. It's - Villainous! We need a forum to discuss these things - somewhere not exclusively there, and not exclusively here.

    One is no not the End All/BE All of Villainy either (none of us are). The heaps (HEAPS!) of failures behind me, attest to Ones own failings. Still, it is this history, good (Evil) and bad that defines us, and makes us known to Peers, and feared to others.

    Zyklon B has a history. Not sure of his work, but he's been around for some time, and was recognized by Poop Knife, who is a Villain. He thus may be a worthy emissary.

    Thank you as always,
    -Lord Malignance

  3. I I may, Lord Malignance, I'd like to post the response I left on ZyklonB's entry.

    ZyklonB, this is The White Skull. When I unfriended you on Facebook, I took the time to explain to you why I did it, did I not? In any case, let me publicly explain why I did it, since you seem to be carrying it around as a personal affront to your person. I deleted all of the members of this new "Legion of Doom" for the simple fact that I have found you all wanting. Joker's racist remark was the final straw in that process. For some time I've watched you all, Tamerlane, you, Joker, Lady D and the rest, and have come to see you as nothing more than Internet blowhards. Does that mean you don't have potential? Not in the slightest. There lies potential in everyone... but in order for that potential to be realized, one must be forged in the flames of adversity. What adversity have you faced as a villain? Making fun of master legend and his crowd is all well and good, and indeed good sport, since he's so vocal about his particular brand of insanity, but if that's where your ambitions cease, then you have stalled.

    I'm going to talk about the adversity I've faced in my time as a villain and the resultant victories that came from them. In 2009, I had the authorities called on me by an overzealous member of the Skiffytown League of Heroes; they showed up at my door and scared the living daylights out of my wife. I did not give up. I returned again, focusing my efforts on Zetaman, Tothian, and Master Legend, and wrote long treatises on what proper villainy was and was not. Eventually, I drove Tothian from his perch, even going so far as to purchase the copyright for his name and issuing a cease and desist order. Legally, he's got no right to call himself Tothian anymore, and it broke him. These days, he's a mere shadow of his former self, skulking in the background of Master Legend's radio show and nothing more.

    I mercilessly smeared Zetaman with Photoshops, articles, and videos, which he took such offense to that he got them yanked from Youtube and threatened me with legal action. I did not back down. A few months later, Zetaman closed up shop (though I have no illusions that it is permanent.)

    Mixsae? Gone. The Christmas Demon? Shunned; his blog ground to a halt shortly afterward. Cloud Starchaser? After I posted his blog entries up on my own blog, entries that he had hastily deleted after posting so no one would see how unbalanced he was, (but not hastily enough) he's gone too now.

    Damn near every opponent I have taken on myself in this community has hung up their cape, ZyklonB. When The White Skull turns his eye on you in annoyance, you should look at the reasons that eye was turned in the first place. You have not annoyed me... yet. You have potential; I've heard it in the times you've called in to the various radio shows. I've seen it in your postings. Don't be dragged down by fools and hangers-on. Break free from the crowd and be your own villain. That is the true definition of villainy.

  4. Respect to the White Skull! You cast a very long shadow indeed. One mentioned before, but it was the ROACH mention on IO9 that drew me to the ROACH blog, but it was your writing that inspired Lord Malignance.

    (Don't take offense for all the dumbness One gets up to).

    -Lord Malignance
    (Remind me never to get on your bad side).

  5. I dislike his chosen name, and some of his actions and words but, he's a nice guy deep down.

    ZyklonB should hang up his villain cap and take up the Cape. If anyone would make a real world Deadpool, merc with a mouth, it would be Zybies.

    He's a good hearted young man.. sure, angry at the world.. and gets into the heat.. but there is much goodness in this one. I'm afraid villainy can not have this one.. he is destined to succumb to his good side and join the cause of justice.

  6. Silver Sentinel,

    Hah! That's The Silver Sentinel One knows. A fighter, and an idealist. Never give up, and never give up on hope.

    -Lord Malignance
