Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Onion Tackles Superheroes

Everybody Loves Green Lantern

And when I say "everybody," I mean "very few people indeed," and when I say "loves" I mean "has vaguely heard of," a sentiment wonderfully encapsulated in the above Onion video. In somewhat less hilarious news, the movie currently has a 21% freshness rating on Rotten Tomatoes out of 28 reviews, which includes a lot of the major papers and sites. As I've said before, I really like director Martin Campbell's James Bond movies, so I'm trying to keep an open mind. Plus I think the basic premise of Green Lantern -- intergalactic space cop -- is a harder sell to mass audiences than most other superheroes. Also plus even if it's terrible, that doesn't mean it won't be a financial success a la Transformers. On the other hand, it could just be fucking awful, which would be kind of sad but also kind of hilarious in a schadenfreude kind of way. SchadenfreuDC, anyone? (Via FilmDrunk)
Tags: Bad Movies, Comic Movies, DC, Failure, Green Lantern

Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of Topless Robot

Why does everyone hate superheroes? Who doesn't like them prancing around in their tights telling everyone else how to behave. How to think. What's right and what's wrong based on their own judgement? 

Oh wait. 


Never mind. 

-Lord Malignance

In Darkest Night, in Brighest Day,
No superhero will have his Day,

Let all who worship super might,
Beware One's power and stay out of sight. 


  1. Movie Villains > Movie heroes

    Everyone loves The Joker more than Batman, Doctor Doom more than the Fantastic Four, and pretty much every Villain in Dick Tracy more than Dick himself. Evil characters are just more relatable because all of us have that little bit of "bad" in us, while the heroes are just boring by behaving as perfect beings, which in itself is completely unrelatable. Evil speaks to our carnal desires, our needs for pleasure and power. Villains are just more human, when you think about it.

    Forget Hal Jordon, bring on Sinestro!!

  2. Very well said Malvado. "Pleasure and Power" sounds like such an awesome after shave name. Villain Aftershave! Arsenic (smells like Almonds), and _________? Money. The Smell of Money. That would be SO marketable.

    Scene: A man walks to the bar, an attractive woman starts up a conversation.

    Woman: "I'm drawn to you stranger. You seem like a man of worth."

    Sound Effect: Whippah!

    Man: "That's right baby. I'm a Villain."

    Man and woman depart bar, arm in arm.

    End Scene.
