Sunday, June 12, 2011

News in Villainy

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL Crouch! before me now!
(Villains excepted of course)

Checking in on things going on in Villainy;
One has found Villains who have revealed or threatened to reveal the Real Life Identities of; Master Legend, Tothian, Phoenix Jones, The Former Zetaman, Some Nitwit, Mr. Jingles, and Money offered for the identities of Death's Head Moth and some other hero One can't be bothered to listen for again. So far, in absolutely no case has the information been used for any Online Vigilante purposes, and used only for Lulz or threats. (MetaVillains also don't seem to be quite chasing the Reality shows either, so Class 1 and Class 3 as described, appear to be poor examples if the document is Survey as claimed, and not Policy or Guidelines as it appears.)

Does this and previous comments and posts One has made about this document and the behaviors described mean that One is working against ROACH? No, not at all, and quite the contrary. One is trying to lead Villainy from this behavior, lest it be done in kind to Villains. And for what personal reason? Cui Bono? Is One not protected in anonymity? Yes, One is (somewhat) and One does this strictly and only for others less protected, that they might remain safe.

He's back;
Which isn't a bad thing. The more Master Legend says, the more that can be quoted and used against him and superheroes. Why, surrounding himself with like-minded people, will only embolden him to make even more hateful statements. 

Villains Ruling!
Octavius Fong, back and showing why even a puppet can bring true fear to superheroes;

White Skull has finished his first series of comics on "Transmissions from the Damocles" (with great success One might add), and has started a new series, and we all wait with anticipation for the fun Evil he will gift us with.  

One asked the commenters about superheroes with guns on Heroes in the Night, and heard no response. It is a very good story about the Press finally taking an honest, unbiased look at superheroes, and asking intelligent questions. Agent Beryllium has a number of comments in the story, and the source can be found here.  

Overlord has completed a week of excellent posts, and if you have realized how much care and attention she puts into every single one of her posts, you'll know that this is a gift to us all.

Agent Wraith is working on a Blogtalk Radio Show "Mindgames with Agent Wraith". and his ability and talent are an inspiration to enjoy. He will have a schedule soon, and One is sure Villains will always be welcomed. 

The Fourth Estate: Update
One has been struggling as you'll know, with trying to find a way into the Proposed Fourth Estate - "Villainy for Villainy". As One described it elsewhere "The Fourth Estate is an idea. That not every Villain wants to beat on heroes, and that to tie Villainy to superheroes limits our own potential for growth. Constantly humiliating superheroes at some point becomes like beating on third graders - you want and need more. And so, the Fourth Estate is Villainy for Villains. What can you do if free of the need to define yourself as a reflection of superheroes? We see success here with Computer King, Overlord, Chip Overclock, and White Skull. The Challenge becomes not some weakling superhero, but yourself. The Peers competing and producing work at this higher level. "  One then named Villains working at this level, and the list was extensive. But One acknowledged that One didn't have a way in myself. No art, or real feelings to apply to comments, and little if any talent for creation. 

And then, One found it, looking into a mirror. The character Lord Malignance, though terribly flawed, and a pastiche of many more talented sources IS a viable platform for Villainy for Villains. Which was obvious to others, but apparently invisible to Oneself. Really, One needs advisors more than you know. 

One heard that Tothian is still roaming around, though One had concluded he had been committed to a mental health facility or observation. One saw a comment on Heroes in the Night from "Calamity" and hopes it's Master Calamity. But it would be mysterious either way. One has heard that the former Zetaman is roaming around working behind the scenes, but without his pulpit of spray painted motocross armor, his voice is so tiny. Rumors are not a reliable source of information, but that's what One has heard in whispers.

Staffing changes;
Diabolical Madame X may or may not be moving in: The contents of her house have been incorporated into the Lair these last few months, she just chooses to live elsewhere. This makes her service to me in exchange for this magnanimity more difficult, as One does not run a storage facility for minions in training.

Ghost of Nixon will be taking further time off to pursue rebuilding his life, and though he wishes everyone a stream of obscenities, he will be more intangible for the foreseeable future. One wishes him continued success.

Comrade Cocoa, the Henchdog of Evil, has taken a liking to steak bones.

-Lord Malignance


  1. You know I wonder if making a suggestion to a costumed activist that they should kill themselves would be deemed inappropriate by you. Chances are you would say "No" but then that would not surprise me.

  2. "The more Master Legend says, the more that can be quoted and used against him and superheroes."
    Also, the more he says, the more audio clips I have to make hilarious mash-up radio shows.

    Dragonheart, (because you're not important enough to address first in my comment,) kindly don't stir up drama.
    We just got through that with he-who-shall-remain-nameless a few weeks ago. Do you really want to start stirring other pots now?

  3. Smeagol, you labor under the belief that I am concerned where I fall under your importance meter.

    And to what happened a weeks's been relatively quiet HASN'T IT? What I said in my initial post here happened. With all the flaws that keep getting pointed out about the RLSH/costumed activist community I was just wondering if encouraging one of them to commit suicide is standard operating procedure for the RLSV.

  4. It sounds as if the mouse is running about in a dark and dangerous place. Villainy isn't about pain and suffering Dragonheart, it's about self interest and taking care of #1.

    If you are in danger of hurting yourself, I would urge you to get the help that you need. Perhaps you could call the National Suicide Hotline (1-800-273-8255). You will likely be greeted by a real, actual Hero at the other end of the line. Don't forget to pass this information on to all of your costumed activist friends, whomever they may be.

  5. White Skull,
    Yes, Master Legend is the gift that keeps giving. AND, it's almost time for ZetaJesus to resurrect after his cruxifiction (He's done it before). These are the paragons of the movement, like piano keys, a touch on them reverberates through the community. Deadpool X the Zeta replacement? Who will ever hear about him or care?

    Thank you. Yes, every life is always important. Statements of this have ever been made by Villains;

    The National Suicide Hotline IS staffed by real heroes as you say: People who are there to help anyone, not for superhero fame, or glory, but because it IS always the right thing to do, and they do it, at their own sacrifice.

    Mr. Jingles,
    You ARE doing better. Your blog has improved, and you acknowledge a truer ID (One won't acknowledge it until you prove worthy). Your points will find no purchase here: Villainy came forward to save lives in that time, not so your Skiffy, or other heroes. Oneself, at personal expense went there to offer an outstretched hand and deescalate the issue, when there was nothing at all for One to gain. One thinks you should take your points instead to DC's Guardian, and ask him your questions. Or the Penguin. One never hears enough from the Penguin.

    -Lord Malignance

  6. Lord Malignance,

    I appreciate your nod "elsewhere".
    Also I wish to make it known that I find you VERY creative. And your work is good. I have read not a single disappointing blog of yours. May you continue to be the BANE of "egotisticals" existance.
