Saturday, June 25, 2011

Superheroes: Mostly Crazy, and Sometimes Dangerous

Bruce Wayne / Batman Has a Conversation With Himself

Date: 06/02/2011
Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of Bam! Kapow!
Poor pitiful fools the superheroes are. If only real life wouldn't keep intruding on their fantasy lives of dress up playtime crusaders, they could wile away their indolent lives "looking for crimes to solve". Or whatever crazy reason they make up for their unwarranted oppression of free citizens. Anything to keep them away from their responsibilities to get a job, work at their job, earn a living to take care of themselves and their families, or spend time with those families. 
Superheroes! Tell yourself you're not acting crazy. That normal people also run around dressed up as comic book characters. That only you can solve crimes law enforcement ( well trained Police, FBI, Detectives, Forensics Labs using millions of dollars worth of state-of-the-art technologies, etc) can't solve. That your "powers" (read: excuse for never having put in the time to be qualified for law enforcement or detective, or Science work of any kind) allow you to see facts and details no one else can. That you just "feel" injustice more than normal people. 
It's no wonder everyone worries about superheroes. They're CRAZY! 
-Lord Malignance

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