Thursday, June 9, 2011

Franken Chickens? It's SCIENCE you Fools. SCIENCE!

Misleading Headline of the Day

Scientists Plan to Create Dinosaur Franken-Chickens

Mwahahahahahahahahahaha! That is the noise I imagine the mad scientists who thought up this latest bit of badass insanity made when they hatched their plan to create dinosaurs out of chickens. If you’ve seen Jurassic Park, you know that all you need to create your very own dinosaur is a tiny bit of DNA extracted from an ancient fossilized mosquito. Unfortunately, that is completely false. Fortunately, however, famed paleontologist Jack Horner and his loyal band of minions fellow scientists have come up with the theory that, if you regress chicken DNA far enough back (aka about 10 million years), it could have a very similar effect.

Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of The Mary Sue

One has reviewed the practicality of the science, and it is sound. The final products won't be dinosaurs per se, but you will have a creature as close as is possible to create. And what of creatures that ruled the Earth 250 to 65 million years ago? When mankind has existed as Homo Sapiens for merely approximately 1 million years? Biological survival of the fittest, the species that has adapted best to survive. 250 to 1. Colonel Sanders will be an ACTUAL military designation soon enough...


  1. Oooo, I want one! I'mma name it 'Clucky' and all shall bask in the terror of a 20ft tall lizard-chicken!

  2. Clucky the DinoChicken: At first they'll think "Carnivore" then they'll add teeth. Then they'll think "size"...
