Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hate Google (Blogger)? We all do. Facebook is Villainous

Facebook is reported to have hired public relations firm Burson-Marstellar to generate negative stories about Facebook competitor Google— specifically, "urging [journalists] to investigate claims that Google was invading people's privacy." Well that's rich.
One of their targets was Christopher Soghoian, a security researcher and blogger, who is no chump. Things did not work out as planned.
Dan Lyons chronicles the epic "Keystone Kops"-like routine at The Daily Beast.
Soghoian has posted the email exchange he had with Burson-Marstellar here.
At Wired News, Sam Gustin writes,
In the annals of shady public relations stunts, Facebook's attempt to surreptitiously plant negative -- and highly misleading -- stories about Google into leading media outlets will surely go down as one of the most ham-handed in recent memory.
Ham-handed it may be, but as Declan McCullagh of CNET noted on Twitter today, there is precedent.
(Image: Facebook, a Creative Commons Attribution No-Derivative-Works (2.0) image from fbouly's photostream)

, , , • Tags: facebook, google, herp derp, privacy

Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of Xeni Jardin on Boing Boing

1 comment:

  1. Facebook. Again.
    Not saying anything..

    And Google is keeping track of you.
    Those sneaky megalomaniacorporations.
