Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hero on Villain Violence is an Empty Lie for Sheep to Follow


Following up on two previous posts;

1) Heroes are carrying  guns and Villains need to become Online Vigilantes to address this issue. When tracked to the source of this theory, and asked for any shred of evidence, any post, of any conversation of any hero, even the insane ones, carrying guns on superhero playtime, planning to, or advocating others do, the fact is there is nothing there. The claimant himself can produce not a single shred of evidence. No links, no anecdotes that can be corroborated - absolutely nothing. No hero has ever done anything like this. No heroes are making plans to do anything like this. One invites readers of this forum - find any evidence and post. Post anonymously if you prefer. A link to a statement by a hero that they are going to carry a gun, advocate others carry guns, or suggestion that maybe they should carry guns. Find the superheroes doing this, and Villainy has a case. Until then, this is an empty lie, propagated for purposes of manipulation only.

2) Villains must be Online Vigilantes to find and chase High School LARPers who pretend to be "villains" on Facebook. The argument was that heroes were planning to assault villains - physically attack them on sight, and that villains had to therefore be prepared to meet violence with violence. One is not making this up, this is their justification. One tracked this to one of the LARPers, asking for any evidence at all.  The "proof" was to ask another villain. When this villain was asked - his evidence of anything any hero has every said or done - any link to anything - was nothing.

From their own mouths, in the first case, a member of a Villainous Organization who helped craft a policy to categorize villains, has no evidence at all that heroes are or planning to carry guns. From the mouth of two of the villains scared to death that heroes are coming to attack them - no proof. Everyone is running around frightened, that someone is out to get them. AND a Villainous Organization coincidentally creates a policy to go after these people - preemptively, when at the basic level - it's all made up.

You want to know how far down the rabbit hole this issue goes? It goes down to precisely, and exactly, nothing. There are however two other questions;

1) Who is manipulating the Villainous Organization, and for what purpose?

2) Where is the discrimination to use common sense to look at this issue? This took 3 days of simply asking questions and following leads. Other Villains (3) in this same group on Facebook can verify these conversations to any who would ask.

At the end of the day, One hates superheroes, and One expects they hate Villains. Does One live in fear that they are coming to attack me? No, and One shouldn't have to. Nor should they fear Villains. If you aren't thinking that you might be able to have a beer in peace, and walk outside without being jumped by a gang of heroes/Villains,  you aren't doing this right. I'd expect any hero to leave me alone - no matter what One says - because it isn't personal, and it's the truth (well.. mostly). Even Master Legend - who One has frequently called a barely literate baboon - he might punch me in the face - but then One expects he would give me his hand to help me back up. And that's it. No weapons, no stalking to assault or attempt to murder/rape/kill.

There is no reason to hype fear of physical violence where there is no evidence at all. All this is is manipulation for purpose. In the case of two villains, it is a desire to see chaos, and to take down a Villainous Organization.  In the case of one Villain, it is to protect that organization. There is one more Villain who's motivations are not clear, but One expects the rabbit hole goes through his efforts.

Note: Tothian sending disgusting emails to our Villainesses is not to be taken lightly. He was offensive, threatening, and stalking, and represented a real potential danger. He is recognized by both those weaklings the heroes and by Villains to be a serious enough issue to be taken care of, and by accounts he has been. Not through violent means, but by the proper, legal means.

We Are Villains
We are BEtter than this.

-Lord Malignance


  1. While it is good (evil) to keep One's eye on this, I find it best to let go of what I cannot control.
    I cannot 'police' youngins on Facebook, so I removed myself from their influence and drama. (Note: Blanket statement. There is more drama from those less 'wet behind the ears'. I removed myself from them as well.) The paranoia is warranted. The stabby-stabs in the back are not.

    As 'villainy' is a many shaded, multifaceted beast, the loose association is a plus.
    Your words are wise and informative, again, LM.
    Your use of facts will always give you the higher ground.
    The better to cut down upstart 'Anakins' before their whining is passed on to younger generations.

    Beware the Despot of Denver!
    How is he doing anyways?
    Cute little bugger.

  2. Agent Wraith,

    Thank you. One doesn't mind differences in Villains so much - it's a strength really. When it leads to endangering the thing we all love so much - "Villainy", One has to make movements to protect it. The escalation of fear is counterproductive to the purposes of Villainy. There really ARE people who are scared. More scared people than supposed "violent" LARPers. One hopes that we can turn on some light and look at exactly what it IS people are scared of.

    Thank you for your insight - you've seen some of this too,
    -Lord Malignance
