Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Zetaman Retires


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am afraid due to the constant harassment and my own personal real life and physical safety I have to retire. I am sorry to say this but there are people in my life whose lives are being threaten and I can no longer have a blue target on me. I wish the rest of the world well and to stay safe.
-Illya King

Shameless Screen Grab from Zetaman's Website

Someone has been constantly harassing him in his personal life, and he worries about his physical safety. People are threatening his family? One would have said it couldn't be Villains, and One hopes it is not, however there IS a policy advocating that in fact Villainy should be doing exactly this same thing. Perhaps children LARPers on Facebook are taking the ROACH policy too seriously now. Attempting to earn their way into the ranks. 
And Villainy is still trying to recover from the last activity of Class Three Supervillains
Villainy needs to be better than this. One hates superheroes, but let's look at what has happened - and it may have been completely w/out any influence of Villainy: Zetaman was harmless. He's a bleeding heart, who went out to help people and inspire them. He didn't fight crime, and though One didn't like the Krav Maga Luchador phase he was in, however One had faith he would come around. He might still, but this can't be considered a victory for Villainy. 
Let's hope there's no retaliation from Zeta's followers on the people responsible, because it just escalates the drama, and spreads the fear. 
-Lord Malignance 


  1. Um... didn't you tease him? A lot?

    Wait. That's not a question. You teased him. A lot. And you've been pushing Krampus' buttons when the rest of us truly did leave him alone.

    In fact it was one of your little inflammatory posts (the same one where you decided for insane reasons I was commenting anonymously)that brought this all crashing down on villainy. AGAIN.

    And then you throw a big fucking fit when your spammy comments get picked up by Agent Wraith's blogspot spam algorithims? You can't control yourself! You're a freakin' liability!

    Cram it. Just cram it AND all of your self-martyrdom over making villainy "better".

    We don't need your pandering, we don't need you constantly grating on Krampus' raw nerves, and we don't need your knee-jerk reactions to half-assed conspiracy theories.

  2. Yes Beryllium, the Character Zetaman, but not his real life identity. One has always proposed that Real Life Identities be left alone. Not so your policy at ROACH.

    You incorrectly maintain your belief that it was the anonymous posts. It was your lies about your profile changing to *** that was the heart of the problem.

    Liability? Allow One to show that it has always been you and your instability.

    Beryllium, we don't need YOUR lies, and your Tearing other people down.

    As to Krampus, let one post that post now about your lies, and let you explain them.

    Thank you for letting me do this now.

    -Lord Malignance

    -Lord Malignance

  3. Posted B, Now instead of starting drama and hiding from it, you can now be held to answer it. Still not an enemy, but your lying has got to stop if we're to ever heal Villainy. Your lying about your part in the Krampus situation is just making this necessary.

    Again - One had no input into the ROACH policy. One isn't part of your "Signers of the Non Agression Policy" and One has never posted IPAddresses - but One did try and clean up your mess.

    If we can stop this behavior, we can make Villainy "better" - which apparently you have little interest in. One holds out hope for you though.

    Still your friend,
    -Lord Malignance

  4. Well... she kind of has a point there.

  5. Mega-Rad,

    Diplomatically put. Which point do you refer to? If teasing Zetaman, One is guilty. The character Zetaman, not the man behind the mask. Real Life Identities, have always been off limits, One thought by all Villains. And then the policy recently changed by ROACH. In Zeta's retirement, he specifically names the release of his personal information as cause. One did not,and would not do this, and has stated policy against that. But One is only One villain, and ROACH has decided that they can get away with this, and that others won't in turn do it to them. One thinks this is a foolish, dangerous policy, and states so.

    -Lord Malignance

  6. **Disclaimer** One does not know or believe any Villain One knows released any information on Zetaman's identity. It is in keeping with the new ROACH Policy, but it does not follow that Villains were complicit in this activity.

  7. "...due to the constant harassment..." might be taken to include getting teased a lot and having people question everything you do, such as taking a martial arts class.

    I don't think you guys are bad people. Deep down I think that maybe you teased Zetaman more partially because it hit him harder than it would most others, though.

    Also this is basically the prime directive of RLSVs, right? If getting people to stop wearing costumes isn't a big "WIN!!!" for you, then maybe you should rethink what you're doing a little.

    I don't personally think RLSHs or RLSVs have it "right" yet, but that's just my opinion.

  8. Mega-Rad,
    Your points are taken. While One will believe his retirement more for his personal issues and the reasons he gave, is One without some guilt? No. Though he should be of stern enough material to survive "Krav Maga Luchador". You are also right about his character. Zeta needs time to rebuild, and he has One's best wishes for his future success.

    As to a possible Victory for Villainy? No. The best would be that One's playtime character defeated his playtime character, and that he chose to grow up and leave the cape of his choice to go to a better life. No one wins when a life is rent asunder, and there should be no gloating. Villains (at least One hopes) are better than this. We have to be, if we want to win by being in the right, and not as bad as if not worse than heroes.

    Your opinion is valued, truly. If you have suggestions, please - they are welcome. They might not be accepted (Villains!) but you will be heard and your words considered.

    -Lord Malignance

  9. And a reminder, because we can't seem to be able to say this enough because it's NEVER gotten through to you - The Villain Class system was a survey of what online villainy ACTUALLY looks like, not like one of your propaganda pieces where you declare what villainy is and hope that everyone catches up.

    The idea of stating something truthfully with no embroidery about what it SHOULD be might be entirely unfamiliar to you, but any good journalist can tell you that healing begins when you look at a problem with all of the plusses and minuses intact, and talk about it honestly. Just saying "Villainy is THIS, Crouch!" is the Fox News method-- YOUR method-- and ROACH is very much a more NPR-oriented evil organization.

  10. Agent Beryllium,
    It seems never to have gotten through to you, that you and ROACH (Poop Knife) are taking these actions ("Class 3" - see his sign off on the ROACH Blog please). Your conjecture that it is a survey and not an instructional guide is shallow, as we see ROACH go out and act on this policy w/the demon.

    Hah! One likes the fun in your argument, but it is false. There is some truth though: One likes rules because they work. They protect people like you, from the backlash of people doing to you what you are doing to them now. One added some of your minuses in another post for your review. To be good journalists of course.

    And, Villainy is a collaboration. That policy of yours, was never peer reviewed, you just unleashed it w/out apparently any thought. One has always put out guidelines and rules for peer review, and accepted feedback. Try that sometime and get back to me when you do.

    -Lord Malignance

  11. I always thought the "Class 3 Metavillain" stuff was just a joke... I never imagined it was actually supposed to mean something.

  12. The joke is a poor one then, as the demon threatens to go on a killing spree, and Malvado receives death threats because of his association with ROACH and the "Signers of the Non Aggression Pact". It's the Lulz then, that Internet Vigilantes like class 3 supervillains are after. Or when some high school aged LARPer does something similar because his Real Life Identity was found out and used for similar Lulz. Calls to his house, to his family. Pictures of his bus stop. Really, once this starts as it has w/the demon, then it can be done to everyone, even the people who started this stupid practice.

  13. dude this is so awesome, I don't have to buy comic books anymore, I can lurk on these blogs and get my drama doses!

    You guys rock!!!

  14. Anonymous,

    It's true there is a little bit more drama than is needed, but consider: What of value has ever been created without effort? We stumble through these beginnings because there has never been a society of Villains before. There will be mistakes, but the work continues, develops, and improves over time.

    Thank you,
    -Lord Malignance
