Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Superheroes and Guns


On the subject of Villainous groups needing to take on the responsibilities of Online Vigilantism because superheroes were carrying guns/were going to carry guns, and/or advocating that superheroes carry guns, One has stated previously One's held belief that No superheroes were this stupid. The rational mind tells me that dressing up in capes and spray painted motocross armor and carrying real guns with intent to use, were incompatible. One asked the source of this fear being spread previously, to his online face (in chat and in Facebook) to provide any single shred of evidence that this was true. None could be provided, and so One felt confident that superheroes had at least some small measure of being in touch with reality.

Sure, the New York Reavers carry beating sticks and sharp objects to intimidate the citizens they may encounter. The Black Monday Society in Utah dress as nightmares to frighten the good people of Salt Lake City into their homes cowering. And Master Legend, to find a new way to climb on top of the crazy heap, declares himself Metatron (the Voice of God for all of you unsure of that name's origin). But No superhero could possible cross the line into any more dangerous stupidity than Phoenix Jones and his assaulting and brawling with citizens, who are all innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

This belief, this faith in the Rational Mind, was yet again, One's undoing. It turns out as Agent Wraith has found, that superheroes ARE in fact carrying guns. Now that's not enough proof for Oneself. A suspicion, a rumor, an understanding of something said that could be misinterpreted. One had to go and find out, to pursue the truth to the source. One asked the superhero Superhero these questions and received answers. (This is a public conversation on Youtube, and you can find it here, so no confidences were broken). The comments - while can be seen as 10, are not visible to me for some reason. They may have been deleted? Their cut and paste originals are still visible in Agent Wraith's comments and are factually acurate as One remembers them.

Not only does he himself carry a gun, in a low slung on his hip, DVD carrier, but he indicates quite a few other heroes do to. This is no fringer ne'er do well of the RLSH, this is one of their Tangen Superstars. In costume, advocating the carrying of guns. When exactly does helping people and being a role model involve the advertising and prepared use of deadly force?

Does this mean that villains must now be afraid that heroes are coming to kill them with their guns? That trolls are coming to kill them with their guns? No, it does NOT. Villainy has consistently beaten the heroes at every turn because we have been BETTER than they are. We are Not vigilantes. We are Not crazy people without personal lives. We are Not losing sight of reality. We Are Villains. We are better than this. We don't need to carry guns and live in fear because unknown people are out to get us. Because we believe in laws, and justice and the civilization and the hopes and aspirations of our brightest minds. We don't want to live in a Mad Max dystopian future of lawless gangs running their crazy and deadly games of unaccountable play-pretend justice. We want a future we can be proud to live in.

One didn't think the opinion of superheroes and their troll mascots could sink any further, with their frequently carried beating sticks and electric shock (taser, cattleprods, stun guns, etc) attack weapons. One was unfortunately wrong. Stupid superheroes do indeed carry guns. Because they are so very, very afraid citizens will bend them over and rape them. Citizens really, really will, and we citizens call this "The Law". Oh, you might hide behind your constitutional rights to carry a gun for self defense, but the very first time you use that gun, you will be going to court, and unless you have a clear open and shut case for why you needed deadly force to protect yourself from a clear and present danger to your life, where you had no alternative, and this includes running away, you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. You and your family, and friends, will pay enormous legal fees, and if you are found guilty - as a felon, you will never be allowed to own a gun again. And you get to make new and exciting friends in prison, and learn new skills. And lifestyle choices.

Here's some Googleables for people wishing to find this page and find out more about superheroes;

Some superheroes carry guns

Maybe some Real Life Superheroes (RLSH) carry guns

Superhero advocates carrying a gun

Stun guns not enough for some superhero cowards who now carry firearms to intimidate citizens

Too afraid running in gangs at night in masks, some superheroes now carry guns

New superhero poster text: "Take this damn sandwich or I'll blow your freaking head off".

Krav Maga and cage fighters, Cattleprods shuriken, and beating sticks not enough for superheroes. Now they need to carry guns. What's next? Firefights in malls with suspected evil doers? All while surrounded by children. Because party clowns/Real Life Superheroes dress for the children.

Some superhero cut from the same cloth as Master Legend, aka Metatron, the "Voice of God". With a gun. Now he knows what God tells him to do, and has the power of life and death to do it.

Florida, is it the most embarrassing state?

Pasty bald doughboys are really popular in prison.

Superhero and Open Carry in Florida. Then you can wear your six shooters like a real cowboy. You know, if this really was the 1850s and not actually the 21st Century. And if you had the courage to actually face your own death in a shootout man to man, and not hope to sneak up on some bank robber from behind instead.

Does this change the need for a Fourth Estate - a developmental sandbox for Villains who wish to stretch and develop content for Villains by Villains? No, it does not. In fact, quite the opposite. It makes it all the more imperative as a safe harbor until this idiocy blows over and all the vigilantes take each other out. "If you roll around with pigs, you get dirty like a pig, and the pigs don't care".

No apologies here. No evidence until now, could be offered, and verified, which One had to do Oneself. The statements "One does not know of any superhero carrying a gun" was factually accurate. One now knows better, to the shame of superheroes everywhere.

-Lord Malignance


  1. Replace the word "superhero" with "citizen" and see how all this reads.

    When I move down to LA I plan to carry a pistol virtually all the time, presuming I can work out the details of a concealed carry permit. (Otherwise you have to carry it openly, which is not something I would do 100% of the time)

    But you can sleep soundly knowing I'm not going to whip it out and force people to accept free sandwhiches at gunpoint.

  2. Bravo!

    Citizens do have the 'right' to 'bear arms'; some may even do so by hiding it in a 'fanny pack'.
    But there are consequences to having said gun. Consequences to drawing said gun.
    Consequences to firing said gun.

    Because we are speaking about 'humans', we have to take 'human nature' into account.

    Humans, in general, are stupid.

    Be exceptional, humans. Think before you shoot.
    Think long and hard about what carrying a gun means. What firing it (at anyone) means.

    Anything you target with a gun, you schedule for destruction.

    LM, you have once again proved to be a 'fount of widsom'. The discussion is appropriate, warranted, and needed.

  3. Mega-Rad,

    You know One has respect for you, so please accept these questions as honest curiosity. Why, as a superhero in costume, even carry a gun? When word gets around that at least some heroes are carrying deadly weapons, what will be the response from citizens? In Los Angeles no less. Will it be trust? Or fear and suspicion. Will the people who fear you, not in turn think of deadly responses to your implied threat? In Los Angeles no less, the city that practically invented "Drive By's".

    Do superheroes even engage in activities that require the possible exchange of gunfire? Put these two images together: Party Clown heroes surrounded by children (see Skiffy), and some Punisher wannabes packing heat. Why are these images incongruous? Both are superheroes, both can be mistaken for the other and attract gunfire directed at them. They are the same, but one of them is surrounded by children, who read comic books, who heroes are dressed up as to attempt to emulate.

    Citizen carry? Ok, you've got a constitutional right as a responsible law abiding citizen. But in costume, you're said to be setting an example. What example? Might makes right? Fear the wrath of spandex? Shoot me on sight? And of course, it's not just you, it will be all the people standing around you and behind you who will share in the consequences of your decision.

    When you do go to LA, be careful and enjoy all the opportunities the city offers you. Except the traffic. That is a hell One would not wish on Phantom Zero.

    -Lord Malignance

  4. Agent Wraith,

    thank you, but the font comes from you. One honestly did not believe this was even possible. Sure, clubs and stun guns, which were dumb enough, but certainly not deadly weapons. What comic book heroes do that? The Punisher, and ____? Following Phoenix Jones's hands on approach, which all the heroes seem to be about emulating, are we going to see "hands on" justice with guns now? And this again, is a zero failure game. There never gets to be one mistake, one life ended because of carelessness. A father, mother, brother, son, daughter, sister, wife or husband - ended because a superhero got scared and fired their gun.

    One is depressed again. The Fourth Estate looks more and more attractive.

    -Lord Malignance

  5. I'll post a reply as a new blog entry -- I wrote something that was too long to post here. :/

    Also something weird is happening to where I can't post with my google account name, even though I log into it...

  6. Eon,

    Google is still having issues. One follows blogs, but the follower appearance is not appearing in all cases.

    -Lord Malignance
