Monday, May 9, 2011

Heroes with Guns vs Cyber Bullying and Suicides


One would like to take a moment and follow up on the post before last. A justification to create a policy to have Villainy become Online Vigilantes because heroes could start carrying guns, is a false one. Right now, there are no heroes who carry guns. Even the insane ones like Master Legend and Tothian do not do this. The superhero "Superhero" has guns and has had videos of him with his guns. But he does this as a Citizen which is his right, and perhaps in his job as bodyguard. To One's knowledge he has never carried a gun on superhero  patrol, nor ever advocated anyone do this. No superhero ever has. If there was any shred of evidence that this was not the case, One would be on the rooftops shouting this louder than anyone, but there is no proof at this time. When heroes carry idiocy like Cattleprods, and "The Iron Fist" we DO rightly go after them, and have enjoyed great success. Because they were/are wrong, and we were/are right. It is the truth, and in this we are strong.

On the other hand, the incidence of teenagers committing suicide because they were online stalked and bullied is very much a too common news story. If a Villainous organization has a policy** to go after Facebook LARPing teenagers pretending to be "Supervillains" for the purpose of finding and revealing their Real Life Identities for the blackmail advantages or the Lulz of torturing someone**, then Villainy will be held responsible. And not this nebulous "Villains" umbrella, but each and every individual by name, in print, and google-able for any future career background search.

No, in this time of BEcoming BEtter Villains, it's time to BE the smartest, most talented, most Evil Villains we can BE. Villainy isn't about our past weaknesses, it can BE about our future aspirations, about what we would like to see and participate in. It's time to BElieve in ourselves and in what Villainy can BE.

We Are Villains

-Lord Malignance

**Could include links, but Villainy is (hopefully) leaving this behind us.


  1. Why do you take it as a given that the simple possession or carrying of these weapons is wrong?

    It would seem to me that the problem is when people do so irresponsibly -- which yes, I've seen firsthand (though not firearms -- well, at least not within "the community").

    I generally have at least a pair of blast knuckles with me. Except for those few times I've demonstrated them onstage most people don't know that. (In other words I don't randomly play with them or threaten people with them)

    Also, when I move down to LA I do actually plan to carry a gun. I would do so now, except that permission is granted by county in California and having permission to carry a gun in the county in which I reside would be next to useless.

    And Internet harassment is silly. People shouldn't do it.

  2. Even though I was indeed once guilty of collecting and using personal information against RLSH I did indeed finally see what it was doing and the ramifications it held.

    ...As a result I will be stating a new personal rule that I, in Villainous fashion, will impose on the entire community. To all you new Facebook 'Villains' that are getting off on posting peoples real-life identities (names, home address, phone numbers, place of employment, etc) on the internet because you think it's funny and something an Evil-doer does, I will find and release your information as well. Think of it as the code of Hammurabi in the Villainous age. We have been around too long now to have our futures as Villains threatened by a few idiot children trying to play tough-guy over the web and reckless negligence will no longer be tolerated.

    As for RLSH carrying weaponry on patrol, if it's legal, reasonable to carry (if the factory didn't make it to be used on humans, there is no reason to use it on humans), and you can prove yourself to be a responsible person with it in your possession, then I have absolutely no problem with it.

  3. Mega-Rad,
    The concern here is only and specifically for the belief that Villainy need be on the move to find and eliminate heroes who carry guns. And at this point, One knows of none. Even the examples cited are not so foolish. Cattle prods, Shuriken, and whatever else nonsense heroes carry, Villains DO go after heroes for. We've just never had to go after armed heroes.

    As to can citizens carry guns (by laws and jurisdictions) yes, of course. But should they carry them "on Patrol" for the purpose of finding and engaging suspected law breakers? No, because that still remains the role and responsibility of law enforcement. Start a gunfight over a drug deal in a park, and see who's going to win (and it won't be the people in bright colored spandex).

    You're on a roll, truly Evil top form. The problem with Hammurabi, is that it led to Blood Feuds. The first law, has been vastly improved since then. These few high school aged LARPers who think Real Life IDs are "the bomb" will soon tire of this game, and their mothers will tell them to go to bed and turn off the computers. Or they may discover boys/girls when they get old enough. Do Villains have to stoop to spank them? Maybe not.

    Hah! Impose on entire community! One did not miss that. One is doing no less than what One has always done. Protect Villainy and support it's members. One knows you would do the same.

    -Lord Malignance
