Saturday, May 7, 2011

New Villains and an Alternative to Online Vigilantes

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL Crouch! before me Now!
(Villains excepted, of course).

Since One's return from the Accounting, One has been reestablishing connections in the World of Villainy, and there have also been changes in some areas of Villainy that One is still discovering. Some of these changes proposed a way to monitor and infiltrate  heroes and villains for the purposes of blackmail and lulz, under the misguided self delusion of being Online Vigilantes. Becoming in fact no better than the superheroes themselves with their own fantasies of being the only people with the abilities to sit in pretend law enforcement obligations.

These changes seem to have stemmed from Facebook, where there are other people calling themselves villains. Universally, the majority of which appear by language and their friends, to be of high school age, and are role playing for their own amusements. Some of these villains are not high school aged children and are generally creepy, and should in best practice be shunned, as has been done with Villains and trolls here in our community. Other Villains, appear to be genuinely new to Evil, and are looking for an opportunity to develop themselves and seek admission to our Peerage. These Villains are rough it is true, but some seem to have genuine potential. Not all but some, and some others are of borderline value, bringing both Evil and not so Evil histories with them. Some of these villains WILL not be worthy, and should be allowed to pursue their interests elsewhere.

What One has found is no less than four villains playing games of manipulation, using proxies to incite games of seduction and betrayal. Universally, all these manipulations are being directed towards, or in turn being directed from a Villainous group. Two of these villains openly want to see this group eliminated, one defends and leads this group, while one other working from within this group has motivations which are unknown.

The course of this manipulation appears to have either fostered the villain classification system, or is using this process for its own ends. The purpose being Villains turning on each other and self immolating Villainy. We've seen this with the tearing down of each other publicly. It continues even yesterday. It is Villains trying to incite hatred and distrust among each other, and it is unworthy. 

One therefore proposes an alternative to this course. Instead of moving towards a Villain War, where we will all go our own separate ways, and some work to bring the downfall of each other, let us instead work together, and stop the tearing down of each other in public and in private channels. Because you are doing the work of the manipulators, and apparently like the most pliant of stooges. It should be embarrassing to you, because one of them is apparently a high school aged child.

One has also been played in this way, but One has moved on from this, drawn strength from it, and is not currently receiving any honeyed instructions from those wishing to manipulate Villainy.

Instead of going after any villains or heroes, to collect their Real Life Identities and private personal information for betrayal and the lulz of torturing some child/man-child, let us instead offer an inviting Villainy. A Villainy not of gullible trust, but of careful invitation, monitoring, guidance, and development. Take these genuinely worthy villains, cull them from the chaff of roleplayers, and build a stronger Villainy for the betterment of purposes.

One believes that if new Villains were shown a path to worthiness, they would strive to be worthy of association. We have this one path promising value and respect, or we have another path of lies, betrayals, and tearing each other down, and it is important now to not be ignorant of which path we are moving down, and the future that path holds for us.

One invites the opinions of Villains by your Blogger Account. One will solicit opinions either here, or in a place we all may meet. One will approach New Villains and ask for their feedback. This is not a little post, nor restating things over and over again. This is trying to figure out why we are Villains.

This is a crossroads. What will define the Be Age? What will Be the future of Villainy?

-Lord Malignance


  1. "showing a path to worthiness" sounds, to The Overlord, like scolding and coddling in equal parts. Not a fun recipe.

    How did we arrive in Villainy? Each of us has our own point of origin. Overlord was not cautiously guided to build her own blog, she just did it. Nothing is stopping the new crop from doing a little research and possibly sending their applications to ROACH.

    Overlord believes it is up to the new crop to find themselves and start their own platforms. Once in a great while, a charming new Villain will come out of the rough. More often, we'll find teenagers in ski masks on roller blades after dark. Let's move away from the common thuggery and on to bigger and brighter things.

  2. REVEAL their names to us MALIGNANCE! Who are these so-called vigilantes posing in the guise of VILLAINS???!!!

  3. My biggest problem with some of the 'new Villains' of Facebook is the constant declaration of violence against RLSH and those that try to sway other new RLSV that don't yet understand how things work in our prideful organization to behave in less than acceptable manners. I plan on addressing this on my own blog also, as it is quite important the "old school" show that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.

    ...And as for sir Tamerlane, I can vouch that he is not part of the bad (destructive) seeds. Indeed he is one of those charming Villains that is so wonderful to have in our hallowed halls of Evil. :D

  4. Well, if Malvado says so... *squint*

  5. Overlord,
    One sees your approach and One's own as not being incompatible. Some will appear - and all the better. Some can be found, and this too works. You were found, and have been a treasure to all who know you.

    You and others may find some of them in Facebook of course. Some of their work; and the "Menion" and his LARPing associates. But he too serves a master; who in turn is serving 1, 2, or more masters.

    As a Villain, your words carry weight, and your opinions value. There are other Villains too - One just discovered "Drake Dreadful" who if he doesn't turn out to be a shell, might be a Villain after my own dark heart. (Too early to tell yet). One thinks the FB *New* Villains need to see how we take care of business - how we RULE. A demonstration of how to lay waste to superheroes without making it personal may be in order. Yet other Villains may be brought in out of the wilderness and civilized to some degree. We all have come so far in our time (One is still learning) together, and we can share this experience with others, if we choose.

    Thank you. It's not a true accounting without your counsel.

    The point to take from this is, the little villains, due to either their hubris, or instigation are annoying, and their schemes are weak sauce that target both heroes and a Villainous Organization. Now is not the time to give them vulnerability to exploit. We RULE, we give Villains alternatives, and if we can diminish their numbers sufficiently their plans will fall apart. They will be distinguished from us, and they will bring their own doom to themselves. **

    We win without every having to do anything but be the most feared Villains the heroes already rightly cower before.

    Thank you all,
    -Lord Malignance
    ** One is not entirely against targeted sanctioning with extreme prejudice of selected targets for purpose. As a general policy One publicly dismisses the idea, as all civilized groups must. As practical application of statecraft, One accepts the necessity without reservations.

  6. Well, from a supposedly heroic perspective (just as you guys are operating from a supposedly villainous perspective) -- I've honestly never noticed these guys at all.

  7. Mega-Rad,

    They're out there - a very, very small number of LARPers and pretend comic book characters - you can spot them because their avatar is a batman comic image, and they use the name of the fully owned by DC Comics character of a Batman villain. They aspire to no more than bold statements hiding behind poor roleplay (Mind you - kettle/pot - aware of the hypocrisy). Are they dangerous? Most likely not, they are so few, and they are, by our own standards, weak. They might fancy themselves supervillains - but only until their moms tell them to turn off the computer and get ready for bed, "tomorrow's a school day".

    That's what One has been able to find. Until some better information is presented, that's all that this amounts to. A lot of worry about what would the Scarecrow do, if he decided to stage an armed bank robbery in Gotham, using fear gas.

    -Lord Malignance

  8. Just a parenthesis:

    Yours are bold statements behind _good_ roleplay. Completely different. As an RPer I fully appreciate the high quality villains we are blessed with in the RLSH/RLSV matrix.

  9. Rooster,

    Thank you. But - there are Villains so much more talented than myself! You may know some of them, and others you may meet. They will frustrate and delight you in turns.

    -Lord Malignance

  10. I am probably one of the ones you speak of as RPers. But, I a sure you, I am as real as my blood is red....

  11. Kavian,

    It's not you, it's US. There are others, who claim this is only roleplay.

    One can provide such links.

    As should be clear, but the volume of, and quality of, the work, that One does not consider this roleplay (though a character is employed for a purpose).

    -Lord Malignance
