Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More David Tennant?

Not One's favorite of the New Doctors, but One knows that he IS favored by someone. And so, collections of information on David Tennant;

Disclaimer: Inappropriate for all audiences on this next link;

If you were Rick Rolled, shame on you, but One hopes you smiled.

-Lord Malignance
Who totally should now post hot pictures of women to balance the scales, but probably won't. All at once. But perhaps over time...


  1. I see what you did there. (And yes, I totally clicked. EVIL.)

  2. Hah! It was too Evil to miss and One hopes you smiled. From here forward, it gets harder; That was One's Ace in the Hole - the easily known. Now One must be find new things, and be more imaginative.

    -Lord Malignance

  3. You don't need to go through all the trouble, you know. It's cool. We're over it all. :P

  4. I mean, there are still questions, yes; but I just want to get past it right now. Answers will turn up eventually.

    In the meantime...

    Yo dawg, so I heard you like the Doctor's daughter so I put a Daughter in your Doctor's Daughter!

    There has GOT to be laws on Gallifrey against this sort of thing.

  5. Beryllium,

    We will be Better. And tribute? What of value has ever been made without effort? And, it's fun, and we could use some cheer.

    One is a significant Who fan;

    5th Doctor Peter Davison AND David Tennant. Now, Peter was the youngest, until David. And Peter is the father of Georgia. It's a story that could only happen in England.

    -Lord Malignance

  6. David Tennant is truly Lord of the Geeks.

    "David Tennant [...] appeared in Shalka in an uncredited role as a caretaker. He was not originally cast in the production but happened to be recording a radio play in a neighbouring studio, and when he discovered what was being recorded next door managed to convince the director to give him a small role."

    Yup. He ditches on his own roles because there's a Dr Who Flash Animation filming in the next room. That is some serious geekiness.

    And then there's this:

  7. Beryllium,

    You speak Who very knowledgeably. Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha - K9! Points for that find. Oh! This is really good - better than anything on tele right now. Torchwood - coming to Showtime in a few months.

    Thank you - that was a treasure,
    -Lord Malignance
