Friday, April 22, 2011

Updates in Villainy

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL Crouch! before me now!
(Villains excepted of course).

One is late today, but had to catch up on an OdinSleep. If you exist on Candy Bars and Stress for too long, it will eventually catch up to you, and you will crash.

Some of the exciting news going on in Villainy, with links and analysis;

The biggest news must be R.O.A.C.H. is under new management.
One wishes the organization R.O.A.C.H. and the Villains involved every success, but holds out hope to see that document modified. Congratulations Agent Beryllium, and Poop Knife, may your management bring you every success you deserve. Kudos also to the Potentate, for having taken this bold step in Leadership.

The "Be Future" of Villainy.
If you've been following the history of Villainy, you can see different (st)ages develop and pass, each contributing something to the ongoing tapestry. All Villains have been integral to the development of our Villainy, each contributing something that makes it vital, interesting, and enjoyable.

The First Age, was the Bronze Age of Villainy. This was the time before ROACH, and during the time when the White Skull was the driving force behind Villainy. There was the Sword Kane SuperVillain Challenge on Youtube, and many heroes felt the wrath of Villainy.

The Second Age was the Silver Age of Villainy, and this happened after the White Skull left. During this time, many new Villains appeared, and shared their talents, and helped shape Villainy into what we have known. It was a time of refining our brand image, of reaching out and finding and encouraging new Villains.

This Third Age, One has called the "Be Future" for what Villainy could "be", and One saw it in the terms of the events that have recently unfolded and since been resolved and put to rest. It was to have been a contrast to what the Golden Age of Villain was to be. One would like to now modify that name and understanding;
It will BE the Be Age of Villainy - the age beginning with ROACH under new management. Without reservations or fear for what is to come, One supports this new future, and hopes you will too.

Overlord has a recent post about the benefits of healthier living and improving yourself. She IS inspirational in this, and if you have a mind to be so inspired, One will suggest that you please stop by and appreciate her drive and ambition to be the best of Villainy. You may just find yourself deciding to BE a stronger and better Villain yourself.

White Skull
The White Skull is pioneering a New Direction of Villainy, and may have Pirated the Damocles for this purpose (the comments are priceless). One wishes him well, and is excited to see what this potent talent develops next. You CAN be inspired to improve your own Villainy, by watching this crafty master at work.

Agent Beryllium
Quite a bit on the shoulders of our Agent Beryllium. The recent discussions, taking on the responsibilities of guiding ROACH, other responsibilities One can't speak of, and holding Villainy together. Yet despite all of this, she still makes time to post the most interesting and delightful finds on the Internet. If you have a moment, please visit her and offer a kind word in support and appreciation of all that she has done, and continues to do.

Your Simian Connection Malvado has opinions on many things, which he will share with you. You won't have his breadth of knowledge on what he will write about, and so if you want to be schooled by The Sound Vandal himself, please stop by Malvado's and let him open your eyes.

Poop Knife
Poop Knife has also taken a role as contributer to ROACH under New Management, and One wishes him every success (and in changing that policy). He has also been gathering notable Villains in Villain Patrols around his state. Good Do-ers beware: The Evil are patrolling.

Computer King
The longest in Villainy, and our most respected colleague Computer King continues to Podcast and post, even as he struggles with private affairs. If you want to do something really, really, Villainous, stop by and leave a comment - wish him better health, and a return to his Villainous Powers.

Lady Discordia
She may be shy, but from what One has seen of Lady Discordia, she has a rich knowledge and scintillating intellect. What she chooses to share, will broaden your mind, and enrich your knowledge. And you will have FUN doing it. You might wish to please stop by, and follow her blog, and encourage her to share whatever she will.

Agent Wraith
One doesn't always give full acknowledgement to all Villains for the contributions they make, when One should. It is a failing only on One's own part. This has been the case with Agent Wraith, and One takes a moment to address that oversight now. Agent Wraith has a brand of Villainy unlike any other - it is unique, sophisticated, and rich with potential. His videos have been masterfully constructed and presented, and his improv skills are the best One has seen. Not only is his blog page superior to my own, but his videos are too. He has passion this one, and he could benefit from some Evil words and encouragement. You WILL become a fan, if you give him a chance.

One loves the word "Brilliant", and finds One uses it quite frequently when speaking to or about Villains (even sometimes sarcastically). It is used often to mean "Smart", but the word in truth is more than that. It also means Illuminating - to bring light and understanding. Villainy is Brilliant, because it isn't just Smart**, it is a way of understanding. That same light shared, can lead others, if it is bright, and worthy enough.

**Fanboy moment: One has needed to communicate with many Villains over these last few months, for different reasons, and to different purposes. One is amazed (not even kidding or exaggerating here) at how sparkly smart each person is. Not just garden variety smart, but really, really, smart. It's exciting to be around people of such potential, passions, and capabilities. Salutes to you Villains, from a huge fan.

Our thoughts go out to the family and friends of Elizabeth Sladen. In true Brittish fashion, she soldiered on in her time of courage, and always - Always, gave her fans cherished memories. You will be missed. Courtesy of the BBC and the SuperVillain Chip Overclock.

Welcome to new Villains, Followers, and new readers. You are all very much appreciated.

One would like to thank LL, for having made a wise decision recently. The gratitude and benefits of being held in favor by Oneself are multiform.

-Lord Malignance

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