Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Overcoming Shyness

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL Crouch! before me NOW.
(Villains excepted of course)

Villains too are vexed by Shyness, some of even the most well known and respected among us. For many this is fine, however there are a few Villains One knows who have true hidden talents that are remarkable and should be encouraged to be shared. These abilities are seemingly effortless to them, and are kept unrecognized and without celebration by their peers. While other Villains are up front with what talents they have, and enhance their own reputed abilities with Metafictional trappings, there are these others, who say little to nothing, boast not at all, but hold within them true transcendent giftedness. For those not in the know: The quick Rule of Thumb to determine who is who between these two groups, is to use the Rule of Malignance: "The Greater the Megalomania, the Smaller the Talent". There are many "Rules of Malignance", this just happens to be the one today.

While One is a HUGE Megalomaniac (therefore a talentless hack), there are Villains who are quieter and less obvious about their skills. If you become still for a moment, and observe, they reveal themselves in subtle and startling ways. And there are among these Villains a smaller number who have genuine giftedness. One can think of more than a few such Villains, and if you are reading this, then you know who you are, perhaps individually, if not collectively.

While having these gifts (and they vary from Villain to Villain), it is shyness that keeps some from enjoying their abilities - and this would normally be fine. For normal people. If instead we are to Be the Villains we wish to be, we should use the better qualities of Villainy to our individual and collective enhancement. If you have been shy about revealing your talents, Villainy is your opportunity to cast off that doubt, and challenge yourself to use your talents, develop, and enjoy them as you will.

One once heard a snippet of a Villain singing. Just a snippet, barely more than a few moments, but it has been remembered, and it was important to have heard. The singing was more than amateurish well meaning, or "better than average". The voice and the talent was trained, capable, beautiful, agile yet graceful, and powerful. Though One has not talent myself, One can see and appreciate talents in others -it's a knack. This performer has significant ability, that IS a gift, and should be explored and enjoyed for all the nervous fear, joy, triumph and fulfillment it can bring.

These true gifts that appear in people are so very rare in reality. One might meet a thousand people of which none will have the physical abilities or complexity of skills to sing so well. When it is found, it is remembered, and noted. But shyness can hold that talent back. No one is thinking about a recording career, but One has found that people with a talent for performance, gain so much in return for their performing. It might just be that you might sing in happiness and be heard. It might be for friends, or family, or for strangers that you meet, but IF you have this talent it is no small thing. It is a profound gift that changes the world every single time it is employed. Sometimes in small unnoticed ways, sometimes it changes the way people think - weather sharing sadness, or inspiring happiness. Always it is cherished and always it is remembered.

Never let others or your own fear hold you back.

We Are Villains. 

Weakness is for heroes.


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