Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Art of Discourse

Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of Geeks are Sexy

Obviously as Villains we should be supreme in all we do, and this chart demonstrates quality - and rarity in the smallest fraction at the very top. You've seen Lord Malignance Flakk, but how much has actually been at the top and how much at the bottom? Quite a bit, One is disheartened to notice, is at the bottom. One therefore  includes this chart for improvement.


  1. I'm really fond of the term "ass hat". Or "douche nozzle".

  2. Overlord,

    Hah! One loves a well turned phrase used at the right moment. It can be elegant and disarm or enrage an opponent. One tries - tries! to avoid name calling, but you've seen me fail too often. Still, Greatness is a journey, and One plods along lost on that path going somewhere or nowhere.

    Thank you,
    -Lord Malignance
