Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Evil News for Villainy, and 2012: "The Year of the Villain"


2012 - the So Called "Year of the Villain" was in dire jeopardy of being hijacked by superhero movies; The New Superman, The Final Batman, and The Avengers.

One has Evil news to share on that front, my fellow Villains;

First, by all accounts the new Superman costume has a codpiece to put Batman Forever to shame. How it can be worn and yet still strive to remain in context of a semi serious movie has yet to be seen. Compare and prepare to gouge your own eyes out;,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=995&bih=539&wrapid=tlif131603932232810&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi

Second, from all preliminary accounts, the Final (at last) Batman movie offers us a Batman who isn't scary, a Catwoman who isn't sexy, and a Bane who isn't impressive. The Trifecta of Not Caring about the source material enough to let it get in the way of your "Vision".

bane pittsburgh closeup dark knight rises2 A Closeup Look At Tom Hardy as Bane from Dark Knight Rises

Lastly, for the Avengers, One reveals no analysis and offers only these pictures for your own dawning realization that NOTHING on this world will stop the Year of The Villain from being what is always was meant to be: A Success.

Avengers Captions Captain America Thor Set Photos

Avengers Captions Captain America Thor Set Photos

Avengers Captions Captain America Thor Set Photos

Avengers Captions Captain America Thor Set Photos

Avengers Captions Captain America Thor Set Photos

Avengers Captions Captain America Thor Set Photos

See the entire gallery and some fun captions at The Superficial

Yes, celebrity gossip. 
One's reach is great, and sometimes enters areas of fluff. 

Rejoice Villains. The End of Days, Kick Ass 2, Nemesis, and maybe still a chance for Dr. Horrible 2, are all aligning to make 2012, truly, 

The Year of the Villain

-Lord Malignance


  1. Just a suggestion. Why don't the RLSV and some RLSH make a movie ourselves?

  2. Kavian Darkain,

    We should - but there's never enough time, it seems. But: We are making moves towards this - little steps here and there. One sees a greater number of Villains doing this, so it's a development in progress.

    Thank you,
    -Lord Malignance

  3. Year of the Villain indeed...How pleasing it is to see the articulate and crafty Lord Malignance still fighting the bad fight.


  4. TT,

    Hope all is well in your world. Evil is a work in progress, and this appears to be One's contribution to the ongoing discussions on Superhero Codpieces.

    And the links scotched my (stolen) pictures. There's no justice!

    -Lord Malignance
