Saturday, September 17, 2011

Superhero Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann Fights Evil

Michele Bachmann, anti-vax ignoramus

Michele Bachmann went on national TV this week to tell the world that the HPV vaccine could render women "retarded." Here's Funny or Die's response, which is apt, because while it's funny that Bachmann is such an ignoramus, women who get cancer because they believe her might die. Get it? Funny or die.
Michele Bachmann moves to the left (on crazy conspiracy theories) (via Respectful Insolence)

Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of Cory Doctorow on Boing Boing with the astute article "Michele Bachmann, anti-vax ignoramus". 

Experience Fear: Look into her eyes, and realize they likely took many pictures, this was the best of the lot, the image was likely cosmetically improved to eliminate any flaws or imperfections, and she had to approve the final choice before printing. Then imagine, somehow, she gets her hands on the Football

Villains must rise up and work to defeat the first Superhero Presidential Candidate, Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann. Before she can exercise her superhero desire to enforce her superhero ideas of morality on America, and thenafter, the world.

Just say "No" to superheroes and Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann and her Minnesota Initiative.

-Lord Malignance

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