Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Leaders of Heroes

Greetings and lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL Crouch! before me now.
(Villains excepted, of course).

If you take the lot of heroes and all their little play groups, and see who rises to the top in these groups, you would think, it would be the very best of what they are and what they represent. One will present you with a number of names, their groups, and what they have been revealed as;

Master Legend: "Greatest of the RLSH". RLSH. (Real Life Super Heroes): Drinking concerns. A thoughtful exchange on Camera in his leotard and helmet, describing the beauty of a canon that would shoot ice knives into peoples heads - leaving "No trace". Wanton Trespass and spreading his doctrine of fear and distrust of Laws and Justice. Being the ArchAngel Metatron, the Voice of Almighty God Himself.
Advocates Vigilante assaults on Citizens: Yes.

Tothian: "Leader of the RLSH". RLSH (Real Life Super Heroes): Stalking and harassment online. Being the ArchAngel Michael. Taking the trust of a troubled young woman and abusing that trust for his own personal enjoyment.
Advocates Vigilante assaults on Citizens: Who can tell.

The Artist, Formerly known as Zetaman. RLSH. The sordid gossiping that spilled over from his personal life into his public superhero identity. It remains a private matter, so One doesn't pry, but the stories come in waves.
Advocates Vigilante assaults on Citizens: Zetaman = No. 
Advocates Vigilante assaults on Citizens: El Purpura de Alto Vuelo Krav Maga Luchador: Yet Unknown.

Phoenix Jones: "Death Target". RCM "Rain City M-Something". (One can't be bothered to find out or care).
Showboating for his eventual (surprise!) documentary at the expense of the safety of his friends, family, and loved ones. The author of "Phoenix Protocol: Mace First, Take a Shoe-Beating Later". He also spreads a message of distrust of the Law Enforcement agencies that protect and serve us.
Advocates Vigilante assaults on Citizens: Yes.

Jack Cero: "Pretty Pony Princess Jacqueline". New York Initiative. Amazingly and alarmingly, One of the worst so far. He and his group of batman cosplayer/pretend vigilantes are actually fighting street crime as their own street gang (as they like to frequently claim), scaring good honest hard working people by their fearsomeness (ah, ha, ha, ha Prance little Pony), or are lying and telling adventure stories to pump up their gimmick and make some money in their "Kegger for Rent Money" schemes. Or "after New York ComiCon "Charity" event". Whichever you want to believe. When asked to explain the NYI former Policy of Archery Practice on their rooftop in the Bronx (Illegal, dangerous, and thoughtlessly arrogant and reckless), the best answer was that it is in fact illegal, and knowingly so (they just needed to look cool for the camera!). That it only became a  former policy after being shown on the HBO documentary (Or "Rent Fund Raising Scheme"), and the public outrage at their orgies of irresponsibility being sold as superhero martyrdom, became too loud to deny.
Advocates Vigilante assaults on Citizens: Yes (as long as someone else does it).

The Stupidtown Stooges: "Shunboy", PST/Agent Mixsae, and Mr. Jingles/Dragonheart. The Stupidtown Heroes. From using alt characters to attempt to infiltrate Villainy to create their own havoc for which they would then after denounce, to lurid descriptions (and purchasing options) for lasers to hurt innocent children, and frequent theats of gunplay. Skiffy by the way, is a public term, and is documented as being used as far back as 1980 at the University of Chicago.
Advocates Vigilante assaults on Citizens: No. 

All of these groups of heroes vomited up the disgracefulness of these misanthropes, and all the heinous acts committed have been fostered and supported by members of these groups, until their depraved acts have become so unquestionably wrong and embarrassingly so, that they were acknowledged.

Excuse me. In ALL cases, "Will Be Acknowledged Eventually". In the meantime, they are outed here and elsewhere, frequently, for their shameful behaviors, and their omnipresent avocation for others to follow their degenerate examples.

Superheroes won't take each other to task, and certainly never publicly, because their primary obligation is to the Altar of Fame. All they ever do is for their own aggrandizement. They don't want to tarnish the "Brand" by acknowledging any wrong doing whatsoever, no matter how sick and twisted the behavior might be (Star Cloudchaser). So, they keep their secrets festering in the dark, pushed down and hidden like nasty shame, until the excesses are so grotesque, they spill out in public. Then they run from the vile horrible monsters of their creation (through their fostering and covering up these ugly diseased behaviors) in their midst and pretend they never were associated. How superheroic of them.

There is hope though. One hero, broke with the superhero tradition of hiding (and therefore promoting) their horrible wretched depravity. He stood up for what was right, and he made a statement against the continuation of allowing one Leader of the RLSH, to take advantage of a troubled young woman. He stood up for the defenseless and confused, this poor brainwashed victim of the Cult of ArchAngels, and offered her an escape. An outstretched hand saying "You are not valueless, you don't have to accept troll-like romantic advances, you can escape and be whole once more".

In all the darkness that superheroes cast upon the world, there is this shining beacon of light. A Silver lining to this dark cloud of oppression and stupid violence. An opportunity for others hiding in the shared shame of association and in despair in their capes, to look up, and see hope.

There IS a BEtter way.

It takes Conviction and Character, and not Body Armor, Weapons, Intimidation and the Spread of Fear.

There IS a Hero who tries to do what's right.

Curses! Foiled again. And pleasantly surprised to be so.

-Lord Malignance

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