Thursday, October 6, 2011

There's Always Something Wrong With People Wanting to Play Superheroes in Real Life

Superman Superfan Gets Plastic Surgeries to Look Like His Hero

Herbert Chavez, a 35-year-old man from the Philippines, really, really loves Superman. So much so, that since 1995 he's undergone a variety of plastic surgeries in order to look just like his favorite comic book hero—including a nose job, chin augmentation, lip injections, and thigh implants. And he's still not done: As he told ABC CBN News, he plans on getting even more surgeries—the most ambitious being an operation that would make him taller. Superman doesn't transform in a phone booth, but in a doctor's office.

Medical professionals who spoke to ABC CBN attribute Chavez's surgery spree to body dysmorphic disorder; indeed, the portrait that Chavez holds up during his interview looks nothing at all like the version we see today. I suppose the bright side in all this is that he doesn't idolize Batman or Spiderman, because finding a plastic surgeon who does "permanent bat mask with little bat ears" or "full-facial spider web with insect-like eye implants" operations is probably difficult. Then again, with tattooing and fillers almost anything's possible nowadays.

Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of Gawker

More evidence of the plague of people who want to dress up and run around and play superheroes in real life, is spreading. The best defense? Parents, keep your children in school. 

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