Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Phoenix Jones and Superhero Vigilantism: The Lord Malignance Spin


With the most recent arrest of Phoenix Jones* an opportunity presents itself for some analysis of superheroes and their often suspicious, dangerous and criminal activities. Though to be fair, an arrest is  not a conviction, and all superheroes arrested for crimes are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Unlike the innocent citizens that superheroes prey upon. That's a difference - when the police arrest you, you enjoy the full legal recourse given citizens of our United States. But when superheroes enforce their bizarre and reckless understanding of law enforcement on their victims, you don't know. Superheroes don't have a legal mandate to identify themselves as duly appointed Officers of the Peace, and you have no obligation to obey them. And so, superheroes enforce their imagined authority, often with crippling and killing weapons (Mace/Bear Mace/Tear Gas, Firearms, various Stun weapons, and beating implements), or re-purposed artifacts to inflict pain and torture on their victims. Just recently, One read how one New York vigilante group has found using a Harmonica can offer debilitating and potentially lethal results if used on innocent people going about their day to day lives. People who are innocent until, like superheroes, proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law. Not some capricious and ignorant superhero judgement.

This speaks to the disturbing spiral into violent street gang type activities superheroes have degenerated into. A year ago, Villains were laughing at the "Hand Out Heroes" - bleeding heart faux martyrs who were crying on camera as they gave out sandwiches to the hungry. If we'd only known what dangerous, sick, perversion awaited! From this motley group of benign whiners, the playtime "crime-fighters" have appeared - the X-Alts. Not satisfied with merely being a benign tumor on society, they have instead ventured into malignancy. Trying to "thwart crimes" (they are untrained and unqualified to correctly identify) by enforcing their own brand of justice. Sometimes - by doing their citizen's duty to watch out for trouble and call the authorities if they suspect something is going on. Sometimes though - by looking to engage in fisticuffs, brawling, weapons use and imaginary batman adventures.

But as horrific as vigilante playtime batman cosplayers are, there is still worse. Two superheroes - One thinks everyone knows who, are claiming to be ArchAngels of the Lord God Almighty. Both of them significant role models of the superhero community. One claiming to be Metatron - the Voice of God, and the other the ArchAngel Michael. These are "Master Legend: Greatest RLSH" and "Tothian: Leader of the RLSH". When two of the superheroe's most respected members go insane and claim divinity, normal people think that rather odd. In a culture where their own sense of superiority gives them license to call themselves "super-heroes" and (they wrongly believe) the right to tell other people how to behave, perhaps such claims of divinity are going to become all the more common as time goes on?

But the worst by far, is that some other superheroes also now carry guns when out playing batman. When you add vigilante, Divine beings instructed by God Almighty on the affairs of we mere mortals, and lethal weapons, you have a recipe for human tragedy and suffering. Did One mention that the latest vigilante darlings - the X-Alts have a name that when spoken aloud as "Exalts" means "To praise highly; glorify; extol"? Yes, the deification of the self elected moral authority is progressing as to their sinister plan's desire.

One never wishes to read about the bloody gruesome carnage a superhero gang of vigilantes could unleash on everyday innocent citizens going about their daily lives. Most especially when the superhero insane justification would be that they were instructed by their imagination and "higher powers" - hell, they think they ARE higher powers, to bring pain and suffering to men, women and little helpless children.

So, stand up Citizens of the World, stand up to save helpless little children from the uncontrollable random ultraviolence of superheroes. Support Villainy, and fight with your Noble Villains against the horrible scourge of superheroes. "Fight them in the streets, and on the Internet, and in your schools, and on your roads, and in your dumpsters, and living in boxes in alleys, and in Vans Down By the River. Fight them wherever and whenever they dare show their cowardly faces. Fight to save our cities, our children, and our democracy from their inhuman voracious all devouring depravity". **

Help your Brave and Noble Villains in the struggle against superheroes, so that innocent little babies may sleep in peace once more, free from the fear of superheroes and their awful, unholy ways.

-Lord Malignance
Yes, One would stoop that low. It's the Lord Malignance Spin. It's a Tarantella.

*Who has a wiki page with his Real Life Identity beginning as the fourth through seventh words.

** A horrendous and almost criminal paraphrase and steal from the great Winston Churchill who said;
"We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender."


  1. I should start lumping you in with the likes of Krampus and the other lunatic metavillains. After all, outliers are representative of their entire population...wait. Just kidding.

    Granted, that goes both ways. The people I look up to, both in and out of the RLSH community, are also outliers. Not every traceur is as good as David Belle or Oleg, just as not every member of the police department is as infuriating as the ones that make the news.

    What I'm getting at is that most of the people who claim to be superheroes or extreme altruists are in the middle of the spectrum. It's only the rare individual rises to the level of Master Legend's delusions or Silver Sentinel's wisdom. Everyone in the middle may be influenced by those on either end of the spectrum, but I'm willing to bet that those that are insane enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with Totes and ML would be very likely to find methods of incarceration without the RLSH/X-alt movement entirely. Similarly, those on the most positive end would also figure out something without attempting to be symbolic or self-diagnosed sociopaths. It's the people in the middle that matter, and while basic probability would assume a bell curve with 50% of the middle in the negative zone and the other in the good zone, I don't think that's the case. It's too simplistic. Most people have a conscience and are, over-all, decent people - which leads me to think that more of the middle is slanted towards the positive end of the spectrum.

    I can't deny that there are issues with vigilantism and ignorance of criminology/laws/basic social concepts, and I applaud you and those metavillains that challenge the RLSH to improve upon these things. However, it does no one any good to lump everyone in a group together.


  2. Bridges,

    Thank you - always good. However, you assume a static bell curve is presented, and One instead has presented a projected outcome based on prior influences. Master Legend and Tothian didn't start out as loons, they became insane in the culture over time. There were few if any dangerous vigilantes a year ago, and now we have groups popping up all over. There were no superheroes (except that NRA spokesmodel Superhero) who actually advocated carrying guns around to play batman. The ego of martyrdom that was fostered by giving out sandwiches has magnified (to divine proportions) now that the superheroes are playing batman vigilantes. The Curve is moving further and further along into the new bell curve "Has almost killed someone/Has killed someone/Has killed many people". One doesn't want to see it come to that, because what this world does Not need, is just another street gang of punks to put away.

    And remember: One doesn't want to help the RLSH - that's a misconception. One wants to Eliminate them All. Those that are weakest, are first targets, as they are easiest to punish and use as signposts for the rest. If the heroes want to survive, they must be viable, and at present and in their current course, they are not. They argue from their negotiating point: "Free Range Heroes with no rules" and One argues from mine; "Total Elimination". Perhaps there is a middle ground, but One would be poorly served to begin negotiations on their side of this argument.

    There is also this idea heroes have that there are "acceptable" - docile, and servile villains they will "tolerate". And they are first to scold these villains when they misbehave or question their masters. One does not give them a domesticated adversary to ignore or punish, who is their lapdog. One WILL eliminate every single last one of them. They had best understand that, and start putting their house in order, and act like intelligent adults with responsibilities, or they will find themselves wondering how everything went wrong for them.

    If you know me, you will know that One has taken Zetaman, Tothian, Master Legend, Phantom Zero, and is now destroying my little pony Princess Jacqueline. It's string of success that the heroes are too vain and stupid to notice. These fallen heroes were the best and brightest, the leaders of their movement. And they are less now. (One actually does want to see the ArchNemesis return. He gets a pass if he wants to return, now made wiser for his tempering).

  3. (And he who is shunned was a hero with associations to a specific hero group. He never was Villain, except in his fevered dreams.)

    -Lord Malignance

    Don't feed the trolls!

  4. I'll have to take your word for it, I'm still very much a newb, and with recent events I imagine it won't be long before it's impossible to do anything remotely similar to the RLSH - at least as it has been done in the past. If the current laws (which are intentionally flexible to allow for laypeople who need them to use them) aren't sufficient enough to keep guys like PJ in check, they're probably going to change.

    At least in Seattle, the middle ground might become the only viable option.

    Granted, I was wrong in assuming PJ was going to jail. Maybe I'll be wrong again.

  5. One would be inconsistent in not mentioning there IS hope. Neighborhood watches are nothing new. They've existed as long as people have lived in communities. The fun of "monikers" isn't harmful. People can observe and report. You must act when you see people in harms way. You can work WITH your communities. Get to know your neighbors, give to charity, work with those less fortunate. None of these things are untried, and unsuccessful. It's the trappings superheroes have added on top of this that drags it down. If you want knowledge - and good (curses!) knowledge on how you can make a difference, seek out the superheroes Silver Sentinel, and Crossfire the Crusader. They have different methods, but both are worthy.

    Here's why: They Believe. Not in the crazy or outlandish things superheroes do for their own fame. They believe in actually helping people. They would be doing it if they never had or could wear a cape again. One has, as you might imagine, wracked them. They stand up to it, and demonstrate the characteristics heroes should have. They are humble in the glare of fame, they are honest and truthful, and don't waver when their "heart" is challenged. One uses that word "heart" here, because it's an insidious means One uses to judge integrity. Many heroes say things they don't even believe. These two do not.

    One hopes that helps,
    -Lord Malignance

  6. Master Legend is a wise hero who has saved more lives than anyone else in the world.

    Tothian is the Leader of this community and the more you idiot villains bash him, the more powerful of a Leader he is.

  7. Master Legend has helped people, but I'd say my money is on Thanatos for saving the most lives.

    Tothian leads nothing. He always chose not to be a part of the "community", all the while basking in the benefits. An organism that leeches off a victim and gives nothing back but harm is called.. a parasite.. not deserving of anything.

  8. If people want to see a true hero, tell a vet thank you. Those so called real life super heroes are just attention whores for glory

  9. El Diablo,

    One agrees with the sentiment. Hands down - even Knight Owl, who as a superhero is a weenie, as a Vet, he will always have my respect. It is a citizens privilege to acknowledge the honor and sacrifice of our soldiers.

    Thank you for making that point.

    -Lord Malignance

  10. Dear lord malignance,

    Do you remember me? My name is Fox Achilles, we talked quite a while ago, I as well as my family need your help.

    --Fox Achilles

  11. Fox Achilles,

    One remembers the name, but not the content of our conversation (the name is very good). You may contact me privately if you wish at .

    One cannot promise you anything, but One can give you what One can.

    One wishes you success for you and your family regardless.

    -Lord Malignance
