Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Unintentional Irony: "X-Alts"


is anyone else noticing that the new superhero darlings - those playtime pretend crime fighting vigilantes who want just as much media attention as possible, have named themselves "X-Alts". Say it, and it becomes a word. What word is that? 


Which has the meaning;

Definition of EXALT
transitive verb
: to raise in rank, power, or character
: to elevate by praise or in estimation : glorify
obsolete : elate
: to raise high : elevate
: to enhance the activity of : intensify
intransitive verb
: to induce exaltation
— ex·alt·ed·ly adverb
— ex·alt·er noun
See exalt defined for English-language learners »
See exalt defined for kids »

Examples of EXALT

His behavior has exalted the power and prestige of his office.
The essay exalts the simple beauty of the country.
We exalt thee, O Lord.
He shamelessly exalts his own role in the peace process.

Origin of EXALT
Middle English, from Latin exaltare, from ex- + altus high — more at old
First Known Use: 15th century

Related to EXALT
Synonyms: aggrandize, canonize, deify, dignify, elevate,ennoble, enshrine, ensky, enthrone, glorify, magnify
Antonyms: abase, degrade, demean, humble, humiliate[+]more

Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of Merriam Webster

Here are some synonyms (different words with the same or understood similar meanings);

Courtesy of Merriam Webster once more. 

What kind of hubris or ignorance of language would allow a group to call themselves "the praise worthy" - before they've actually ever done anything? Ah, yes, superheroes. 

That little world of fantasy keeps on twisting their minds into more and more perverse shapes. Why, there are at least 2 or 3 who have now promoted themselves to "ArchAngels of the Lord God" ("Master Legend: Greatest RLSH" currently "Metatron" the Voice Of God Almighty, and "Tothian: Leader of the RLSH" currently the ArchAngel "Michael". Not sure if Showstopper has been able to break out of their cult yet). 

Really, Master Legend and Tothian are some of the oldest, most respected (only by superheroes) of their kind. Having been media clowns longer than most, it is reasonable that these two would be the first to take the leap off the cliff of common sense and into the waiting arms of deification. But even these two loons, never called themselves exalted. You know, before they lost their minds. 

No, unintentionally or not, it is likely no curious coincidence that the biggest self promoting media prostitution ring of superheroes calls themselves Exalted ("X-Alt"). It's a transparent ploy to garner subliminal servitude from the people they tell they are play protecting. The "little people" who can't take care of themselves without caped up baboons on skateboards, carrying an array of weapons to try and "make a name for themselves" as a dangerous street gang. In New York. They'll tell you to watch how very much they suffer and sacrifice for you; "Look! There's one slacking off by the dumpster. We're protected now". They want you to say their name and be thankful. They want you to serve their needs and give them the fame they're clawing for so desperately. 

How do you feel about being used for their selfish deceptive purpose? How do you feel serving their unhealthy need for some kind of - any kind of fame? Their fantasy world of Instant Stardom crashing into our Real World lives of Honest Hard Working Americans, just trying to go about our business. Their truly worrisome inability to hold normal jobs, pursue careers, and then consequently their animal-like scramble and claw for instant "Reality Show" fame in place of hard work and effort. 

-Lord Malignance

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