Friday, October 7, 2011

Policy Note: Sharing


One would like to clarify a policy* understanding, and give My Dark Blessings to a common Internet practice.

The Art of Stealing, and giving credit where credit is due (attribution).

One comes across some really biting satire on superheroes and shares it, by posting here. Often, the information found and shared originated not with the source One attributes it to, but from other sources and from previous other sources before these. It is right and professional that One gives credit where credit is due, and sites those posters, or posters reposting sources that shared the work before they did. Often times, you can find something that has been linked, and re-linked numerous times through "chains", and to speed my work, at no intended slight to the original author of the work, One will post the link to the location One found it at originally.

With that understanding, One has no problem whatsoever if ANYone would like to take and repost information from here. One would prefer that you would follow my link to the source One sites, so as to present the work in it's more pure form (One is a hack, and brings nothing new or contributive to the much better work One sites). There is a greater purpose served by Villainy, and One has no issue with service to that greater cause.

If something found here is interesting to you and brings value to Villainy, One has no reservations about it being used elsewhere. It was never mine to begin with. Take it from the source, and share it with your audience as One has - with My blessing. 

One will leave this as a post (as One tends to) and you may site it (as One is wont to do to others). It is a blanket indemnification to foster freedom and the spread of Villainy. That said, the caveat is that One is not a legal scholar, and you will do so with the same responsibilities we all carry when sharing links. Please do site the source in your reposting (not "Embrace the Malignance"), as this is the courtesy, and the professional standard we should always aspire to.

-Lord Malignance

* Understood to mean the Policy of Lord Malignance, and not meant to cause any Henchmen with Airs to freak out and blame One for *Mind Control*.

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