Thursday, October 6, 2011

Superhero’s Main Weapon Against Apathy: Dog Poop

Superhero’s Main Weapon Against Apathy: Dog Poop

Everybody say "dobry den" (that's "hello") to SuperVaclav (not to be confused with Super Vaclav, or OtherVaclav)—the Czech Republic's latest superhero, and the only one we know of whose primary superpower involves smearing dog poop on impolite dog walkers and then running away before he gets his ass kicked.

SuperVaclav says he's decided to fight against the indifference and hypocrisy in society," and apparently has developed his own version of the "broken windows" theory to get the job done. In addition to dog walkers who leave their dogs' poops behind, he's also targeting smokers at bus stops by dumping buckets of water on their heads (this one cost him a camera, after an offender who didn't enjoy the surprise bath busted it); "the smell and the noise" of cars; junkies and dealers; "unscrupulous callers"; and "urinating on every corner."

Surely he'll develop some creative strategies to resolve all these problems without getting his nose broken!

Man, when we lived in Prague (a wonderful town) many years ago, we only saw people urinating in the street maybe twice. Sad to hear things have gotten so pissy over there. We blame Americanization.

Here's SuperVaclav's dog poop attack from a different angle:

Shameless Screen Claw of Text and end Video courtesy of Gawker and Top Video courtesy of Youtube.
(Formatting disaster, courtesy of your host) 

Superheroes, willing to harass and intimidate citizens, to enforce their own idea of what justice is. How would ANYone feel, if some crazy pretending to be batman decided to smear dog feces on them? To see some victim of this assault by a crazed superhero done to someone they care about? The elderly? Children? Because superheroes are unpredictable - unanswerable to any rules but their own individualistic, ignorant, and crazy beliefs. 

When will honest, hard working citizens rise up against the tyranny of sick, sad adults pretending to be superheroes and say; "Enough! You slacking hipsters - go get a job and act like normal people!"?

-Lord Malignance
The Resistance Begins with Villainy.

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