Friday, October 21, 2011

Status of Villainy October 2011

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you Will Crouch! before me Now
(Villains excepted, of course).

There have been many, many good developments for Villains recently, here in the Lair, and out in the larger World of Villainy.

And of course, by "good", One means "Evil"...

New faces of Villains and villains appearing in Facebook.

Octavius Fong, Leader of the Roaming Eye of Doom, has done many Great and Notable things (see his youtube, and admire his skill in his craft).

The genius and fun members of the Roaming Eye of Doom delight and inspire. The merits of their work is remarkable. They are; The Baroness, Golden Don, Kaptain Blackheart, Professor Plague, and Cedric Deadcellar. Find them in YouTube or in Facebook, and enjoy their madcap brilliance.

Heroes are being challenged. Many are falling, while a few rise and are found worthy. Truth is being wielded like a saber, and it cuts a swath through pretension and super-deceit. Villains have always been more honest, and straightforward in their designs, and this difference is becoming more obvious as, when in public view for all to see, the honest, smart, and BEtter are always the Villains, and the unworthy, deceptive, paranoid, dangerous and dumb, are always revealed to be "superheroes". It is becoming predictable, and that spreads intellectual curiosity, and the indignation of the many, as they awaken and question their leaders and the sham houses of deceit that have been created. Needless to say, it's not a good time to be a Pretty Pony in the Facebook Ranch.

But it's not just Facebook. In the blog "Heroes in the Night", the fallout from the Phoenix Jones debacle is being debated, as more and more people come to see the truth revealed, and the superhero sold "myth" evaporating.

The Grand Master Calamity's SuperVillain Challenge is on Halloween - don't forget to take a picture and post it, somewhere. Guy Fawkes Day on November 4th ("V for Vendetta"), and Ubermas starting somewhen in December.

Professor Magnus Obsidian has returned from the Past (and NY ComiCon) and brings with him a new and exciting wind of creativity in what One calls "The Fourth Estate" ("Villainy for Villains" - or "Villainy w/out superheroes" - a space to explore the wider appeal of this thing we call Villainy). It's FUN to be Evil, how will you explore what it means to you?

Honored and respected Villains from the past may be returning - you won't know until you see them. Rested and hungry for more adventure.

Master Legend and Tothian are transforming from tolerated embarrassments to pariahs in their community. Their retirements are looking ever more likely.

Stupidtown and the Stupidtown Heroes (Curiously, One is advised that Skiffy is copyrighted and so as to avoid their actions, and my own actions in turn, One substitutes), including our remembered punching bags, Agent Mixsae, Mr. Jingles, and Voldemort, have all suffered terribly for their awfulness. By their own hands, they have and continue to cut their own throats. It's a bit ironic and oh, so delicious. Mmmm. Yummy.

Overlord has a new Web Page in Development - we can't wait.

My own web page may finally meet a redrawn deadline, if the web developer will ever call me back.

The ArchNemesis stirs, perhaps awakened by a need to protect what is best and has been lost among the superheroes. At a time when superheroes and villains were sinking into a dead end of Games of Seduction and Betrayal, and plans to actually commit crimes, he brings the work Up with his intellectualism. He helps transform the community from the current X-Alts Goon Army into something more noble.

Silver Sentinel, ArchNemesis to one of our Villainesses has also been voicing his concerns and expressing his considerable reputation on areas of concern, and it is both appreciated, and respected. Good, solid, smart advice is being given out, and people are responding positively to it. You CAN lead by being wise and contributing to the culture.

Villainy is improving and things are becoming more fun. More, Evil accomplishments are being made - shared in the continuum of Villainy. A success of one Villain, does not take away from any other Villain, rather it builds the greater community of Villainy that we may all share. Do NOT believe that "fun" or creativity in Villainy detracts from the work that draws us together. It makes the work enjoyable, and shares the Need and Purpose among an ever growing audience of potential supporters.

If  you wanted to Rule as a Villain, this would be the time to see your horizons broaden and  your opportunities bloom.

-Lord Malignance

"Jules: The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know My name is the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon thee".
IMDB Quotes

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