Saturday, October 8, 2011

One Felt A Disturbance In The Force (Of Evil): The Colorado Holdfast

Seattle mayor makes Occupy Seattle "legal"
"I share the values and the message of the Occupy Wall Street movement. We want to provide the opportunity for the people of Seattle to express their views. And we are." The Mayor of Seattle has given his blessing to "Occupy Seattle" by way of a permit, allowing protestors to occupy a park where demonstrations have taken root. More at The Stranger. (thanks, @glennf) Xeni

Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of Boing Boing 
(The link is broken, but was from their front page 10/08/11 ~1430) 

Oh, it's ON Washington;


But wait! Could this mean that MY Colorado Holdfast is becoming an insufferable hang out for Slacking Hipsters and their Latte drinking ways? Did One just hear - a Drum Circle?! 

Where has the Evil gone? 

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