Thursday, May 5, 2011

the Fourth Estate

Greetings and Lamentations. I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL Crouch! before me Now!
(Villains excepted, of course)

One wanted to propose and expand on One's desire to develop "the Fourth Estate" One first mentioned on One's return.  In our community we have worked on the three "C"s of Villainy - Community, Creativity, and Crushing the heroes. If you look around though, you can begin to see a new avenue of opportunity beginning - creating content For Villains, By Villains, to the Betterment of Villainy. The Damocles is one such example, as One hopes the Fourth Estate will be. There are other movements by Villains for just these same purposes also being studied and developed. Possibly a desire to make Villainy viable without being required to be joined to those miserable insects the superheroes. Does this mean that Villainy should move away from Community, Creativity, and Crushing Heroes? Not at all - far from it, but that we should not be dependent on superheroes, as they will soon all be eliminated anyway.

So, if this new Fourth Estate will be developed, what shall it encompass? Villainy for the Betterment of Villainy. How can we improve as Villains, make ourselves better at what we do? Understanding as One has said previously - Villainy is populated by truly brilliant people, and not only a few that are truly gifted, can we learn and share new abilities? What DO we do now?
1) We Rule.
2) We lay waste to any who would dare stand before us.
3) We collaborate, share, and help develop each others skills.
4) We learn from each other, and from everything we encounter.
5) We entertain, inform, and educate.
6) We innovate. Whether your own technologies, or shared. We create new ways to solve problems.

This should be enough to begin to understand that the Fourth Estate should be about enabling each Villain to achieve their potential, and in turn, coming closer to reaching our own.

If we have learned something from the Ides of March, it is that Villainy can take feedback and use it to improve ourselves. We should, as Villains take a situation, and find a way to turn it to our advantage, and this latent potential that is present, is one such opportunity.

So, with Villainy for Villainy, what shall we be about? Can we be Villainy for more than just Villainy? Can we be Villainy for a wider audience, and if so, how and to what purpose?

-Lord Malignance

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