Thursday, July 28, 2011


Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance and you WILL Crouch! before me now,
(Villains excepted of course)

The last few posts have been an attempt to confront yet another example of a jealous rival seeking to tear me down, and it has been pointed out by a few Villains, that if they Are seeking to tear you down, it's because you have something that they want. This should be seen as a sign of value in Villainy, and brings greater appreciation for your work, and diminishes further those who crouch beneath you with their attempts to tear you down to their lower station.

The Merciless Ruthlessness of Lord Malignance brings fear to all. That through this fear One RULES, and though One's wrath is to be feared, One's favor is ever to be sought after. Because One keeps secrets, One protects confidentiality, One Protects Villainy and Supports it's Members.

Protecting Villainy includes Oneself.

As readers will note from previous posts, One has been accused of betraying Villainy and joining a "Tangen Supercrew" of heroes. Ridiculous, yes, but just more evidence of the jealously of this Villain as they attempt to tear One down. One has intended to bury this Villain in a mountain of the shame of their own making, but other Villains have petitioned and pointed out that while vengeance IS One's right, a greater service to Villainy might be to "let this go". The words of Villains were most eloquent and of course very Evil in intelligence. In short, One was Flakked, and most effectively.

So, a compromise then. One will wipe the filth of that Villains obsessive attacks off me, have One's Vengeance, but spare Villainy by leaving the name of the shamed Villain obscured.
It should be no secret.

The Claim that has been made;

That one would associate with Phantom Zero, perhaps somehow from Colorado to New Jersey, and that One may have been hoping for a slot on the "Tangen Crew". That they would need a Villain. (Paraphrased - the source is a place where we all may meet, and we hold confidentiality there). The claimant also mentioned that they like honesty which is a hoot, since the very words being spoken were and are a lie.

This lie was shared with all Villains in a place where we all may meet. It was challenged at that time also as you might imagine. Readers will note that while One is cordial to the ArchNemesis, One maintains a strictly adversarial relationship. Think of Professor James Moriarty and his ArchNemesis Sherlock Holmes. Other Villains are right to be jealous, and in their jealousy they reveal their own inability to work at this level. But the denials or Lord Malignance were insufficient, and the rumor spread, and One found access to a resource One cannot speak of by vow, limited. The fear of this other Villain that their Lies would be exposed caused them to act as if the lies were real. That in fact One actually was trying to find a position in a superhero group. Amazing yes -  but so very, very, stupid. One maintains Villains are brilliant - but this challenges One's belief.

So One asked Tea Krulos, as a writer of a Blog and a Book of Heroes if he had heard anything about this possible condition.  Note: All sources quoted or screen capped here were by express written permission with the understanding that these answers would be On The Record. One holds to courtesy that all private communications will be private. These were expressly and beforehand allowed. Tea Krulos's answer;

So then One went to Peter Tangen. As the lie calls it the "Tangen SuperCrew" or "Tangen Super Crew". His answer?

While speaking to Tea Krulos One as courtesy included the Villain who had spread the Lie. It is a courtesy, that One included this person, as One wanted, strove for, a solution that could be found privately. Again, this email was expressly On the Record;

Note - you see a contentious email, and you're only seeing a reply. One does not see it necessary to include all the email chain, but will forward to any Villain in One's favor who requests it. Unredacted, for your own evaluation. What you do with it is up to you. But since we know we are responsible Villains, it will stay in private. 

You, my readers, my Villains, visiting villains hoping to one day be worthy, worthless superheroes looking for a carwreck, and trolls, will see that One is innocent of the accusation. That actions taken based on these Lies are unwarranted, and any who spread these lies, are themselves Liars. In the email One advised the Villain that One no longer needed an apology, as their confession would now be sufficient. One allowed the possibility for an apology in private to spare this Villain this public shame. That option was not chosen though two days given, and so this option - the public shaming - went forward. 

Villains seem to be upset that One would defend Oneself at all. That the correct course of action should have been to take the abuse, accept the lies, and be nothing. That the reaction to the Lies are the problem and not the Lies themselves. One would hold "If you don't like the reaction to lies you tell, Don't tell lies". This really isn't that hard to understand, there are third graders learning these lessons even now. Fortunately, it IS more than likely to keep happening again and again (hopefully to other friends and successful Villains), and this information now out in the Internet waits for the next person's defense. This Lie, like the Lie in that place One may not speak of, like the entirety of the Toxic Codependence was to see another Villain suffer, while they laughed. They laughed when they lied to all our faces. How stupid we all were to believe them. How funny. Two months One spent working this issue. Apologies, Tribute, Forgiveness - all a joke to this Villain. While they claim how much they "cherish" people while tearing them down. How much they like "honesty" while lying. How much they don't like "boring" people, while they post inanity and marvel at the shiny colors. 
One too will laugh, but not at this small thing. One laughs knowing the future for them in this world. 

This Villain is dangerously jealous of others successes. It turns out the best revenge One may savor, the revenge that will truly drive them to either more desperate acts of tearing down others, or to rise to the challenge and be more than this pettiness  - would be for One to be even MORE successful.

-Lord Malignance

While searching for Barbs, One found the below. It's the barb "Malignant Narcissism". While One is all for throwing firebombs, this one is so good and may be applied to Oneself. Not entirely, and it is One's own Megalomania that allows me to share it, knowing that it can't possibly apply to Oneself. 

What's your call junior psychologists? 

One is at least 5-6. (But! One is in fact a portrayal of a character. So - not 5-6. The advantage of the helmet)

It turns out Villains Are Nacissistic, because we ARE Evil.


  1. White Skull (as a friend One points out here and not as a blogpost to match your recent),

    Before we begin with your patented combo; Crude Language+Insult+Petulant Demand, let One point out your opinion while valued, is biased.
    One had been accused of that which you actually did (what is it with ROACH - have a disagreement with Villainy, sell out in the enemies camp(See also Beryllium's Frame up at Shunboys).
    One knows you find the activity shameful - you've asked that One not speak of it, and as courtesy to you One does not. If you can see it as shameful then you must also allow that One would find it so - doubly so if actually innocent.
    A reminder: This is how One's day began then. "Hey did you hear where the White Skull went? He's claiming Mind Control". Yes, that horse never gets beaten enough. But it's not Mind Control it's sycophancy. Let us review collars; Potentate, Shunboy, Zetaman/Meow, Beryllium. Where is the White Skull Supervillain? One keeps meeting the henchman. If you have a problem with the result you find here, you must have a problem with the cause. One is not the cause, you can see that much One hopes. Where is your righteous anger at the origin of this all? One thinks when you can be honest with yourself about that and look at the issue and not the collar around your neck, you will Be a Supervillain.
    One does not disagree with Villainy from an enemies camp, One disagrees with Villainy from within. Privately if possible, but if those channels are not available, then here. One wishes it were not so, but that too is the fault of the Villain in question. We aren't stronger than the heroes because we act like they do. We are stronger because we are better than they are. Try to be BEtter. Honest. Smart. Schoolyard games of lies and looking the other way, fail in every system they are present in. You know this if you have any experience in the military.

    While you may have lost your faith, One maintains One's faith in you and in Villainy (and even in that other Villain).

    One does not give up on Villainy or it's Villains. One is better than that.

    I AM Lord Malignance
