Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Blog: The Real Agent Beryllium & Toxic Codependence

Updated : The Following Plan has been discontinued on the advisement of Villains. One thanks Overlord, White Skull, and Rooster for their Counsel. One has been advised to let it go. One believes that there Will be Justice at some later time. One will include the confession tomorrow as promised so that there may be no lingering doubt as to my innocence of the Villainous Crimes of treason. The only one who will be held guilty will be known by their own words. One will then have Malignopalooza and a recovery time after the party. 


Agent Beryllium likes to troll Villains she likes to tear down. As you'll remember from a recent post, One has given up the Flakk Baton and given it to her, while One would take her lead and follow her example instead. Since you cannot troll her as was done to Oneself (She filters comments using Comment Moderation) this is what One will do instead;

Agent Beryllium will admit her lie to Villainy in that place where we all may meet. She will take responsibility as the Author and Source of Toxic Codependence and all the strife it has sown. She will apologize to me in front of all Core Members of Villainy. She will undo the harm she has done to me by returning my access to a place that One cannot speak of. She will establish and set forth her expectations and choice for a line of communication.


One will create a Blog called "The Real Agent Beryllium". There will be no Comment Moderation here. Anyone may post anything they wish to contribute about The Real Agent Beryllium. Any secrets or rumors they may know. Get ready you Level 3 Supervillains, here's your chance to demonstrate what you can find. IPAddresses? She did it, why not you? Any Lies to "Wind her Up" - post them here. They will be Googleable and anyone wishing to research her about a news article for any work she does, can find invaluable information at that blog. One will post screen shots of her many transgressions, where confidentiality has not been implied or specific.

Again - One myself will not lie. Any Trolls who want to post and up the hit count for the name "Agent Beryllium" may do so with One's blessing. The intent will only be to do what she's been doing to me, to her. For the last 6 months.

She created Toxic Codependence. She lied to every Villain during it's run to our faces. She did so, and has admitted doing so to Troll me. When this was brought back to her door, she claimed the innocent victim and used that to restrict my access to an area Villains may not speak of. She further used an excuse that was lie to tear me down in front of Villains (See post tomorrow). One spent two months on Toxic Codependence. One will only spend One month on this new blog, and then give ownership to anyone (Mac, LL, Legion of Doom) or any one who curries favor hardest. Thenafter what becomes of it, is entirely up to the owner.

Tomorrow, the Liar and the Confession revealed.

One hears Villains petition me, frequently, to just let it go. To allow her her strange eccentricities to continue to attack me unprovoked, and to just take it. One thinks now those same Villains need speak to her, and petition her to make her choice or prepare to live with it. If no one wishes to take the blog, then it will remain an odd object in the seas of the Internet for people to stumble across. If you want a war, you can bring it. One will escalate proportional to the attacks. If you want to make it personal, One will oblige you. We will like Bele and Loki tear each other apart. But ROACH will know your shame as well. Again - One is innocent of this all, only responding reasonably to a half year of unprovoked attacks.

Disclaimer: One will not allow Real Life Identities or any personal information to be used or posted. What happens when the blog is turned over, will not be One's responsibility.

-Lord Malignance
You have seen Patience, Forgiveness, and Apologies from Oneself. Now you will see the Unholy Wrath One will bring down on the author of Toxic Codependence which started w/these words;

Important Safety Tip: There are truly sick puppies out there who compulsively thrive upon conflict. The more, the better. Soap opera doesn't begin to describe the twisted parasitism of soon-to-be former friends. Skiffytown didn't start out as such a cesspool. I know, it's hard to believe.
February 16, 2011 9:37 PM 

If you consider someone a soon-to-be former friend, chances are that friendship is already over and probably has been for quite some time.
February 17, 2011 7:22 AM 

Oh nononono. I'm talking about creatures which thrive on making friends and then feeding upon them. Perhaps 'friend' is the wrong word. How sounds, 'toxic codependence'?“

It's just someone Trolling me - to "Wind Me Up"  - Villains do that to each other, right? They backstab you when you're gone on the Accounting. Note the Language. You'll want to compare the intent demonstrated to the confession tomorrow. 

Lastly, One is not crazy here. One has been playing a game on her terms, and losing for it, for while she has an agenda to tear me down, One has always had an agenda to build her up. So One is turning the tables, this is all, and following her examples precisely. One respects the opinions of Villains. One has for 6months now born the brunt of her behavior. She has never yielded. One will now bring her work back to her in full. Don't plead or scold me. Scold and plead with the author of this all. 


  1. This is too far Malignance. Fucking Switzerland is telling you you're going too far.

    We talked about this, and "Real Agent Beryllium" drama fest on the internet is what you came up with it. To say I'm disappointed would be an understatement.

    Moderate that.

  2. Overlord,

    Your opinion and that of others matters truly. One would not moderate you. Can you offer a suggestion? You were part of Toxic Codependence. You saw what was done. One has only been recipient of her aggression, the thought of her owning her own responsibility in a measured response is so unfathomable?

    So that's One Vote For "Agent Beryllium is a treacherous Liar, but you shouldn't try to hold her to account for it". Any other votes?

  3. Here's a thought. Do you only see lies as black and white, or is there a grey scale? Spreading a rumor that you were in with the Heroes and locking you out of a secret space, most likely because you talk too much, is that equal or greater than throwing up website encouraging the slander of another person?

    You've asked White Skull how he would react to the same situation, let me tell you what I wouldn't do. I wouldn't dwell and fester for months after I had decided to forgive and forget. I may clear my name, on my site, ONCE, and link it from that point forward.

    I don't even have your following. I would never even be considered to hold the flakk baton, whatever the shit that is. Pulling your own well respected name through the mud with this feud, that is a shame.

    I'm only going to suggest what I've been suggesting for months now. Let it go.

  4. Overlord,
    (sheepishly) Black and White. You know One never reveals confidential information. Any claim otherwise is a lie. Ask for proof, or you are being lied to.

    You say "Slander" Beryllium says "Trolling" or "Winding Up" - no other Villain does this. Why does she? Because I can't find out. Is it just to tear me down - is she so jealous? Why? 2 Months of Toxic Codependence, she lied to our faces, and then used the Lie to remove access to the place One can't speak of.

    Your words and those of White Skull have such weight truly. Greater even than One's own. And Rooster's too. One is sure Computer King would side with you all. And so, against my real thirst for Justice and Vengeance, One will let this go. To do other would be to fail you lot, and One would not risk that.

    Thank you, Overlord, White Skull, and Rooster.

    -Lord Malignance

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. No. One will not have insults directed at Beryllium. We are better than this. We are using facts, and drawing conclusions, not making personal attacks on character. Where such criticism is made, it is a genuine attempt to understand her motivations, no more. Foul language will not be tolerated either.

    -Lord Malignance

  7. I thought you said she was your friend. What's changed?

  8. Anonymous,

    One no longer sees a value to trying to maintain a one-sided abusive relationship.

    -Lord Malignance
