Thursday, July 21, 2011

Making Connections to Better Understanding.

Lessons from Sherlock Holmes Pt.I: Paying Attention to What Isn't There


Today, we begin with the first in a brief series of lessons from Sherlock Holmes on the importance of true observation, of using our senses to their fullest potential to be fully mindful as we make our decisions. The first lesson is, perhaps, the most difficult to apply on a regular basis: pay attention to what isn’t there, not just what is. Absence is just as important and just as telling as presence.

The curious incident of the dog in the nighttime: what doesn’t happen matters as much as what does
It is precisely on this distinction that Holmes bases his insight in “Silver Blaze.” When Inspector Gregory asks, “Is there any point to which you would wish to draw my attention?" Holmes responds, “To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time." But, protests the inspector, "The dog did nothing in the night-time." To which Holmes delivers the punch line: "That was the curious incident.”

For Holmes, the absence of barking is the turning point of the case: the dog must have known the intruder. Otherwise, he would have made a fuss.

For us, the absence of barking is something that is all too easy to forget. We don’t even dismiss things that aren’t there; we don’t remark on them to begin with. But often, they are just as telling and just as important—and would make just as much difference to our decisions—as their present counterparts.

How asking what isn’t there can help us make better decisions
Take, for example, a decision to buy something. Some information will be there, right up front. But some will be silent. And marketers have spent countless hours and dollars figuring out how to get you to buy what they want you to buy—and not, perhaps, what you might want to buy for yourself—by presenting the information in a highly strategic way. The tricks are endless (and each one could merit a book chapter on exploiting the irrationalities of our decision making). What you present first, where it is positioned, what it is next to: all of this will influence what you buy.

Numerous studies have illustrated that our brains are quite faulty when it comes to processing information in a way that adequately takes into account what is and isn’t there. We systematically undervalue high probabilities and overvalue low; we confirm what we want to see and discredit what we don’t—and the strategic omission of information plays into every single one of these tendencies. In other words, marketers like to exploit what’s called omission neglect: they omit, we neglect; they win, we lose.

The pantyhose study: strategic presentation of information biases judgment
An effect in isolation can be minor, and not really malicious. Take, for instance, this simple study. In 1977, Nisbett and Wilson ran a series of experiments in a shopping mall. They placed four pairs of pantyhose on a table and asked participants to choose one. In reality, the pairs were identical. However, participants overwhelmingly chose the rightmost pair – and refused to believe the experimenter when told that position might have influenced their choice. The original omission: the pairs were the same. The effect of the mindless choice (i.e., a choice that didn’t really look at the pantyhose to see that they were, in fact, the same): even when told of the omission, in essence leveling the playing field—something not often done in the real world—participants refused to believe it, clinging instead to confirming the choice they had already committed to.
Such minor effects add up and can even mask defects or information that is omitted on purpose because it might detract from the appeal of an item. Your job is to look beyond what is presented and to actually, mindfully interact with it. In a purchase: ask, what aren’t I being told that might be important, even if all the things I am being told are fantastic? Dig deeper and probe for what isn’t there. It’s likely that you actually have more information that you know (in the pantyhose example: your senses should tell you all pairs are identical, and you shouldn’t dismiss that information; in that case, what ‘isn’t there’ is actually right in front of your eyes).

Or, how about a decision to accept a date with someone, or to decide, after a date, whether to go on another one? People present themselves strategically, too. Wouldn’t you want to ask what isn’t there—both what is omitted on purpose and what may not be there at all that you might actually want—and not just focus on what is?

Non-choices are choices, too
Finally, let’s go back to that curious dog. He could have barked or not. He didn’t. One way to look at that is to say, as the inspector does, he did nothing at all. But the other is to say, as Holmes does, that’s not true. He did something. He actively chose not to bark. The result of the two lines of reasoning is identical: a silent dog. But the implications are diametrically opposed: passively doing nothing, or actively doing something.
As I wrote in my first-ever Artful Choice post, non-choices are choices, too. And they are very telling choices at that. Take the well-known default effect: more often than not, we stick to default options and don’t expend the energy to change, even if another option is in fact better for us. It’s simply easier to do nothing. But that’s doesn’t mean we’ve actually not done anything. We have. We’ve chosen, in a way, to remain silent.

Pay attention to it all. Actively engage and never just assume an absence means nothing. While it’s easier by far to assume it doesn’t, or ignore it altogether, easier doesn’t mean better, especially when it comes to your own, personal decisions.

[image credit:Sherlock Holmes revealing the murderer of the trainer, John Straker From "The Adventure of Silver Blaze" By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, originally published in Strand Magazine in 1892, Sidney Paget]

Shameless Screen Grab courtesy of Big Think

One sees an aspect of intelligence in the way that connections are made between details and events and how these come together to form ideas. Sometimes Science, Troubleshooting, Problem Solving, and good Detective work all require you to see what's happening around you, look for patterns, and attempt to draw meaning or predict outcomes. It's the Scientific Method we all use unknowingly.  

People are terrible variables though! 

Still, to be a successful Villain, it serves to look at how these connections are made, and to be aware that in your own stealthy activities, a blankspace is a flag to someone who knows to look for it. In the Evil world of Villainy, a world of lies, half truths, obfuscations, distractions, feints, gossip, and backstabbing, Villains must navigate these waters with careful skill. This goes back to the Code. While you should not completely trust Villains, on some basic level, in interactions between Villains, there must be some level of trust. Because without it, there are only actions and consequences, cause and effect, and getting pwned by your own transparent manipulations, as others let you enjoy your own funeral. 

Flakking does Oneself no favors. 

This trust is facilitated by communication. Where there is a blankspace of communication it becomes obvious by its absence that there is something there. And then you see patterns of behavior, and pick up information here and there building a hypothesis. Fishing expeditions lead to vague clues, which form (too often) crazy theories. These theories invariably express themselves in application - from lies to misconceptions. Sometimes these are kept private, sometimes they become the basis of misunderstandings, and sometimes they are used as an attempt to tear others down. One Villain's success is Not a detriment to any other Villain's success. A success by one Villain is a shared success for Villainy.

Then again, that's why One's door is open. There is no Villain that does not have my Email address. If something is unknown, Villains should in best practices consult each other, and we do (mostly). Our largest failures so far in the BE Age are failures to communicate. Look for the blankspaces, the closed doors, the ignored emails, the inelegant excuses, the secret pacts, and lies, and you will find the cause of every strife and failure in Villainy. 

This isn't a bad thing necessarily. It is a part of our culture. Heroes might pound their chests about transparency and the need to be honest and upfront. Villains make no such claim, nor should we. But there remains basic principles on some level which must be present. Some level of trust which can only be maintained by communication. Call it the Code, or call its absence the failure of our shared hopes for Villainy. 

Further Reading by a Villain - Chip Overclock on "Negative Space"

-Lord Malignance

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