Monday, July 25, 2011

Tangen Supercrew Lie is Coming Undone - Publicly. Standby for Details...

Smoke Signals Continue
A Two-For. Can you spot the barbs? What for Who? Points if you can.
(Language Disclaimer: Some of the language is inappropriate for all ages)

Courtesy of KimberliesCorner on Youtube

Emails out to sources of information regarding One belonging to a Tangen Supercrew. The Lie as spread by Agent Beryllium seems to rest with Peter Tangen, and what he will say will hold value, as One has stated there is no truth to the Lie. As soon as he declares there is no plan, and never has been to include Lord Malignance, then it will fall to her to either investigate the veracity of the information she received (which as a Villain she should have) and make a public retraction, or accept the blame herself. Once this is done the matter will be resolved. She will be known as a Liar, and One will state so for the record. There are only two sources of this information that may be held as having value;

1) My own. As One is to be a member, One states One is not nor have ever been, the entirety of it being a lie. One had never heard "Tangen" and "SuperCrew" or "Super crew" together before the lie was revealed. Google searches appear to confirm this, if anyone would like to look.

2) Peter Tangen - as it is a group bearing his name, and as he is the creator of the group (if it exists at all) he will also know only facts.

If both these parties say it is a Lie, then it IS a lie. Those who spread the lie, are themselves liars. Those who spread the lie are doing so with express purpose of tearing me down.

Then after this is done and the results known, we can go back to business as usual. She has the Flakk Baton (it's an imaginary item , which she may acknowledge or not) and she will be known for having taken the valuable resource of Lord Malignance, and throwing it away for petty jealousy. She will have installed a scorpion at the heart of ROACH, and she will have her weaknesses made abundantly clear to anyone Google searching for facts about her.

One is sorry it has had to come to this, but throughout all, One has made overtures to have this taken care of quietly and in secret. Actions in Villainy show that though this lie is ridiculous (people actually DO laugh) she has been using this Lie to tear me down. These Smoke Signals are the only way we have been able to communicate, and they are by their nature messy. One apologizes to Villainy - you are my family, and in your eyes One would not want for trust and value.

-Lord Malignance

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