Friday, July 1, 2011

X-Men: First Class - a Love Letter to Villainy

Greetings and Lamentations, I AM Lord Malignance, and you WILL Crouch! before me Now.
(Villains excepted, of course)

One has recently seen "X-Men: First Class" - and if you haven't (yet) you should know that it is entirely a love letter written to and about Villainy. Magneto is the protagonist, his views are the stronger, more honest and clearer. His Will and his Pursuit of his vision is demonstrated as superior, as his embrace of Villainy as the most worthy direction for his talent and unwillingness to crouch in fear before anyone. Even the soundtrack has a Magneto Theme, but nothing for poor weakling hero Xavier. And the Magneto theme moves.

If you are a Villain, and want to go out and celebrate Villainy, and enjoy the triumph of a Villain's will over the weakling persecution and the attempted enslavement by the good, then you will be pleased to go and experience X-Men: First Class. ALL the Villains are represented well - the heroes exist only as props to showcase the Villains in their glory. It is Magneto though, portrayed by Michael Fassbender, who consistently shines throughout the piece.

And he wears a helmet.

-Lord Malignance
(Extra Joy may be had, by cheering at the Villainous Victories throughout the movie)

A Review

The Wiki

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